RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Multan, Lahore, Ravvalpindi and Peshavvar stations vvas as follovvs according to the PBC data : s ) Agricultural inputs and services 37 V. Health 3/ Education 4Z Training in rural sKills 2.8Х The rural broadcast encompasses different formats and themes . In December 1966 the program "Farm Porum" was introduced. After 14 years the program is being aired from 8 centers in 14 local languages for an audience of 54 million people . The program includes a wide range of themes for rural areas . Another program "Sohni Dharti” (beautiful lanđ) is a part of rural development broadcast with a focus on rural development rather than agriculture . The program provides information on a wide range of topics including religion, health, sanitation , legal advice , rural reforms , adult education, social issues and crimes , and government planning. These themes are presented through interviews , plays , features , music and discussion formats. Adult education programs аге broadcast through Allama lqbal Open University in Islamabad. These programs are assisted by the teachers in the rural centers . The Ореп University offers a variety of courses to about 40,000 students in diff erent fields . The overall strategy is to provide education through mail contact, tutor guidance and radio , TV programs . PBC produced about 789 programs during the period 1975-83 on literacy. 9 ) Functional educational courses were broadcast on agriculture , veterinary , social problems , plant protection , poultry f arming , tractor maintenance and vegetable growing . During 1973-83 the Open University reported an enrollment of 14,966 stuđents in these. lo CONTENT ANALTSIS ; A content analysis of rural đevelopment programs of PBC was conđucted to assess the extent and the nature of topics of the rural development slots . Тће prograrns aired in the month of February 1986 which were relateđ to the rural development themes were analyzed. Broadcast time anđ topics were drawn from the program schedule as published by the fortnightly journal of PBC "A-Hung". 111 Broadcast time was calculated for one week in February 1986. Sample of one week was based on the rationale that these programs were scheduled on a weekly basis regardless of