RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

specific đates and months . Consequentty, duration for all programs falling in апу week in the guarter of January-March , 19 86 was the same . Four categories of rural đevelopment programs which were related to the rural development theme , directly and indirectly were selected . These are health , education , agriculture and rurai programs . The programs on health included all broadcasts on different aspects of human health. These programs were "Your Health", "Radio Clinic", "Health and Cleanliness", "Health Talk", anđ "Suggestions on Health". Eđucational programs of Allama lqbal open University on adult literacy and vocational eđucation were included . In the category of Agriculture , various regional language programs were analyzed . These include the programs such as "Agricultural Program", "Your Сгор" , "Suggestions for Farmers", "Our Land" and "Our Soil is Gold" . The rural programs included various themes оп the rural lif e and development. Programs such as "People's Voice" , "Beautiful Land", and "Caravan” among other regional language programs were incluđed in this category . AIl stations in the country were included except one of Khuzđar which did not broadcast rural programs because it was a new , small station. The stations included in the analysis were; Bahawalpur , D.l.Khan, Khairpur , Lahore , Multan , Peshawar , Ouetta , Rawalpinđi, Skardu , Faisalabad, Islamabad, Hyderabad , Karachi, Gilgit and Turbat. Results indicate that in the category of health programs , Khairpur and Turbat aired only 2X of their total weekly programs which was the highest of all the stations . Faisalabad and Multan stations did not broadcast health programs at all. When combined, all the stations aired 9.55/ of the total weekly broadcast of 1432.9 program hours (Table 1).