RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

The most gignificant guestions in embarKing on a communication strategy , аге goals , objectives and functions of media in the process o*j development and social change . in a social structure controlled by the feudal lords who аге resistant to апу change , the media t-ole is limited to creating awareness about the environment and providing technical information to the rural audience . Jamison and МсАпапу talK about motivation , inf ormation , education and changing behavior of individuals as the four objectives ahd goals of rural broadcasting . 1 4 5 Тће fourth objective of changing behavior is a long term goal which also depends on thanging the environment and structural conditions necessary f«г social change . Because we аге primarily concerned in arousing the level of social awareness in the current conditions , sducation, motivation and inf ormation become our main objectives fог rural broadcasting . Broadcasting.could provide motivational programs to improve health anđ li'jng conditions , adopt new agricultural technigues and f oster rational unity . For this purpose plays , soap operas and f eatures f ог the rural audience have been a very promising агеа . In Ken>a comedy features have been used to create awareness in lealth conditions in weeKly programs . 1 5 ] Through broalcasting the rural masses аге also made aware about their needs . This prepares them to do something for an overall improvement in their conditions . Radio programs in the Dominican lepublic have been successfully doing this tasK . Use of radio тог successful campaigns has been an impressive experience in tigeria where "Operation feed the Nation " proved to be success-ul for the grow-more-food campaign . > Informing the adience about their environment is another objective of rual broadcasting . This tasK could be accomplished thiough different mechamsms . Current aff airs programs , docdientaries , announcements and weather reports , are different wiys to commumcate information through broadcasting . Djly inf ormation on related areas have a special attraction to th local audience as they have local interest as well as a functi<|ial value for the particular region . Radio has also ben widely used m different styles and formats for educating th rural audience . Education could encompass a variety of objecjves such as learnmg the cogmtive sKills and vocational . This broad area could mclude reađing , wnting and learnig languages as part of informal eđucation . The other area ould include repair of tractors and their use , buildmg public fadites like latrines , using family planning