RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

đevices , experiencing new loca! technologv such as bio-gas stoves , carpentrv anđ other sKills which have a direct functiona! value for the people , Ехрепепсез of developing countries show little gains in vocational and cognltive skills through radio education . However, AlasKa, Tanzania and Ecuador have impressively used radio for development purposes , especially , for fruit canning sKills , latrine building and technigues to improve health . Education through radio programs needs careful planning and implementation depending on the skills and aptitude of the auđience . Education through the audio channel as supported by interpersonal anđ in-class guidance coulđ be a worthwhile project to consider . 1 8 ) Given the current conditions in Pakistan , the task of the međia resides in motivating the masses for socia! consciousness , minimizing illiteracy through eđucation and informing the masses of day-to-day developments in their areas . These media objectives are part of an integrated media strategy , termeđ as ruroawareness which aims at raising awareness among the rural auđience about their environment and prepares them for social change . The strategy offers a pragmatic approach in setting attainable objectives within a cultural milieu and avoiding utopian and abstract goals not related to actual conditions . Previous strategies enđed up with frustrating outcomes due to unrealistic planning and little unđerstanding of structural conditions . The task of ruroawareness will be coordinated with the most effective medium of radlo broadcasting as a communication link between the audience and the communicator . Different broadcasting technigues could be evolved for rural deveiopment projects . Four such strategies are : open broadcasting , radio campaigns , listeners groups , and the two-way radio . The open broadcasting strategy has been very popular in developing countries as It is cost-effective and straightf orward . A central administrative control with high power transmitters to cover a wide area of reception make the operation easy in a cohesive organizational set up . With mnovative use this could be a very useful strategy . For instance , in Mali the radio kept a permanent recorđing unit in the area for a continued dialogue between the medium and the listeners , 1 9 ) Radio campaigns are launched with a predetermined goal within the flxed time period to motivate people m certain directions .