RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Betvveen the big and the little media , White talks about intermediate media in the form of local public service radio, 22 For specific rural development themes of particular areas , local broadcasting provides a more direct contact with listeners . In addition to the current national/open broadcasting system , the new two-tier strategy uses open and local broadcasting patterns to achieve its objectives at both levels (Figure 1) . The new strategy will attract a homogeneous audience at the national level with the goals of information and entertainment. On the other hand it will also address local problems and issues with an emphasis on education , motivation and information . The two strategies in the proposed model will ensure horizontal and vertical communication links simultaneously . THE PROPOSED MODEL Тће proposeđ model represents theoretical dtmensions of the new strategy of ruroawareness . As a major emphasis, the model places the target audience and агеа in the central piace . The communicatlon pattern in the strategy will be based on vertical and horizontal links to ensure a better dialogue among the people and between the media and the message receivers . People's participation and their involvement will be maintained with the group listening mechamsms . The flow of information will be continuously evaluated and improved through the response mechanism incorporated in the model.