RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

China , Cuba and Tanzania have achieved their đevelopment goals through broadcasting campaigns . Likewise , in Когеа , the "Hother's Club" has been a successful family planning campaigh in the 1960s . 20 ) With defineđ goals and objectives , the strategy of listeners' groups is locatized and area-specific . Though it is complex, the strategy off ers a direct link with the audience . The strategy has been used for formal and informal educatlon and farm forums . Тће open broadcasting strategy followed the mainstream thinking in the 1960s which emphasized a centralized and top-down communication model with the hope that the centralized media w!11 achieve development goals . However , Schramm , discussing the importance of the "little media", points out that the model does not ensure audience participation . 2 1 ) As elsewhere , radio in Pakistan is also organized on the ореп broadcasting pattern where most of the stations are located in metropolitan areas without апу consideration of target area and audiences . All stations are part of the national network for national programs . Even programs in local languages are organized at the central level. Rural development programs such as "Farm Forum" are also rooteđ in open broadcasting system with general agricultural themes without mclusion of specific needs of different areas .

Figure 1 Attributes of National and Local Broadcasting Strategies


ATTR18UTES NAT1ONAL LOCAL 1 . Auđ i ence General/National Targeteđ/Loca1 2. 3 . Conten t Communicator's М i xed/Genera1 Spec i fic/Targeteđ i nterest w i de Rang i ng Spec i fic/Loca1 , Agr icultural . Deve1opmenta1 л . Approach Nat i ona1 un i ty Rural đevelopment/ Agricultural 5 . Language Nat i ona1 Local/Dialect-specific 6 . Goa 1 s 1 nformati оп/ En tert ainmen t Informat ion/Education Mot ivation 7 . Techno1ogy Heavy/Powerfu1 /Pervasive Simple/lnexpensive/ L i m i t ed 8 . Communication One-way/Verti ca 1 Two-way/horizonta1 / Vertica1