RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

EDUCATION For educational programs LRCN has a contract with the Primary Eđucation Programme of the Ministry of Eđucation to run a number of programmes intended to educate and inform rurai teachers calied "Searchlight" . Plans are in the maKing for the development of "in-School" programs to be broadcast by LRCN for the Primary Educaton Program . CONCLUSION The future of Liberia , insof аг as LRCN can influence it, rests on strengthening the rurai economic base and helping rural institutions to initiate and manage grassroots development. LRCN is helping to educate anđ inform through radio broadcasts; to promote private enterprise by example and by providing advertising and marketing services; to pubiicize effective behavior on the part of rural institutions anđ guestion inappropriate behavior; to stimulate activity by providing an instrument for rural voices - the local rađio stations , it operates.