RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

HEALTH AND POPULATION LRCN supports health agencies-’ operations through broadcasts on Oral Rehydration Therapy, Family Planning , Immunization, Breastfeeding and regional health projects such as the Primary Health Care Project in Southeastern Liberia . In addition, in collaboration with the National Red Cross Society programs are produced to focus on preventing minor injuries from becoming major hazards bv supplying information on first aid . WHO/Liberia contracted LRCN to develop programs on the prevention and education about AIDS . In ađdition, in collaboration with the Technical Assistance Firm , the International Institute of Research , LRCN developed a Handbook on 'Ouestions and Answers-’ about AIDS - which is now an information soirce book for journalists , nurses and doctors . Recently, UNICEF carried out a campaign broadcast by the three stations on various steps towards 'child survival - the campaign was called "Нарру Baby, Нарру Ma” . A National Population Week sponsored by USAID through a Population Commission cpitracts LRCN annually to саггу out educational programs abcut population growth . AGRICULTURE Agriculture is of central importance to the Liberian есопоту . With this in nind , LRCN has developed for the use of its prođucers a 'Compendium of Agricultural radio program outlines-', Aside from Ше Stations own Agricultural radio programs which are broadcast to the large number of farmers in the country , contracts wi[h the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) call for the broadcast of information about new high yield seedlinfs to farmers . The Produce Marketing Corporation announces pćices for agricultural produce through LRCN . The Germarf-sponsored rural development project called the Nimba County Rurj Development Project runs a senes of programs for its target ;'armers through the regional broadcasting station ELRG Of LRIN . Because of the rapid use of the forest by rural Liberians for various purfoses such as firewood, charcoal etc . - the Forestry Developmenl Authority through LRCN is conducting a large 'f orest edibation-’ campaign on all three radio stations .

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