Scientia Sinica

Tsou, Chen-Lu (See Li Wen-Chieh and Tsou Chen-Lu)

Tsun, Chao-Kang (See Tang, Si-Hua and others)

Tu, Kwang-Chih: Preliminary Results on the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Brittle Micas (177) Wang, Kan-Chang (See Cheng Jen-Chi and others)

Wang, K’uei (See Tien Ping-Shih and Wang Kuei)

Wang Tsing-Ying (Tsou Chen-Lu, and Wang Ying-Lai): Studies. on Succinic

Dehydrogenase I. Isolation, Purification, and Properties (73)

Wang Ying-Lai (See Wang Tsing-Ying and others) Wang, Y.: New Species of Brachiopods [I] (157) —————: Some New Brachiopods from the Yukiang Formation of Southern Kwangsi Province (373) : New Species of Brachiopods II (577) Woo, Ju-Kang: Notes on the Ossification and Growth of the Human Zygomatic Bone (133) : Human Fossils Found in China and Their Significance in Human Evolution (389) Wu, C. F. (See S. F. Fong and others)

Wu Chao-Fa: Reinvestigation into the Problem of Development of the Living Substance of Hydra (271) ,

Wu, Chin-Yung (See Tsou Chen-Lu and Wu Chin-Yung) Wu, Kwang-Nan (See Tang Si-Hua and others)

Yang, King-Chih: The Middle Devonian Bryozoa from the Heitai Formation of Mishan County, Kirin Province (763)

Yang, Ta-Sheng (See Yeh Tu-Cheng and Yang Ta-Sheng) Yang Wen-Cheh (See Tsu-Ching Huang and Wen-Cheh Yang)

Yeh, Tu-Cheng (and Yang Ta-Sheng): The Annual Variation of the Atmospheric Angular Momentum of Northern Hemisphere and the Mechanism of Its Transfer (561)

Young, C. C. (and Minchen M, Chow): Latest Discoveries in Vertebrate Paleontology in China (603) Vi (CS Es (Scex@, 1 SzevandG? Ie Yan) (See C. T. Sze and C. L. Yu) Yu, Lu-Tze (See Tang Si-Hua and others)

Yung, Pao-Tsui (and Ké Ting-Sui): A Study on Internal Adsorption of Carbon in a-iron by the Method of Internal Friction (645)
