Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates, page 641
Synesius, Bishop (c. A.D. 373-414), Calvitii Encomium, 500
Tacitus (c. A.D. 60-120), 206
Tereus, see SOPHOCLES
Terpander (7th cent. B.C.), 245
Tertullian (c. AD. 155-222), De pallio, 316 n.; Ad uxorem, 336
Thalatta, see DIOCLES
Thezietus, see PLATO
Theocritus (fl. c. 285-265 B.C.), 267, 308, 474 ff., 484; Idylls, i, 267; ii, 29, 40, 205, 2070., 268 ff.; iii, 270; iv, 270; Vi, 270; X, 2713; xi, 63, 270, 308 ; xii, 109, 460; Xill, 132n.; Xiv, 271 ; XV, 1193 xviii, 53 ff. ; xix, 2713; Xxii, 229n.; XXvVil, 3Ion.; xxviii, 86
Theodorus Priscianus (fl. cent. A.D.), 514
Theognis (6th cent. B.C.), 3, 4, 76, 213, 420, 468
Theogonis, see HESIOD
Theologie Grece, see CORNUTUS
Theophrastus (390-287 B.C.), 9, 81, 126, 165, 178, 255, 448n., 501
Theopompus (4th cent. B.C.), 11, 102, 388, 402, 403
Theriaca, see NICANDER
Theseus, see PLUTARCH
Thesmophoriazus@, see PHANES
Thracians, The, see EUPHORION
Thucydides (c. 471-401 B.C.), Historie, i, 108; ii, 26, 43; lil, 177
Tibullus (c. 54-19 B.C.), 256
Timezus (4th cent. B.C.), 11, 247, 388, 456
Timarchum, Contra, see AESCHINES
Timocles (A. 345-325 B.C.), 149, 150 n., 3323 Orestautocleides, 149; Sappho, 149
Timon, see LUCIAN
Tissot, Simon André (1728-97), De POnanisme, etc., 313 n.
Torrentius, Hermann (fl. 1500), on Sappho, 327
Toxaris, see LUCIAN
Trinummus, see PLAUTUS
Triphales, see ARISTOPHANES
Triphallus, see VARRO
Tristia, see OVID
Troades, see EURIPIDES
Tusculanae _Disputationes, CICERO
Tyrteus (7th cent. B.C.), 210
Tzetzes, John (12th cent. a.D.), Lycophronem, Prol. ad, 46; Chiliades, 120, 276
Valerius Maximus (fl. c. A.D. 20),
350 Varro (116-27 B.C.), Menippean Satires, 83; Triphallus, 224 Veneficio, De, see ANTIPHON Virgil (70-19 B.c.), Zneid, 152 n., 203, 205, 498 n.; Georgica, 111, 210, 240, 461 n. Vitioso Pudore, De, see PLUTARCH (Morattia) Vitruvius (1st cent. B.C.), 90 Voyage Round Asia, see NYMPHIS
Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, Die, see SCHOPENHAUER
Wasps, The, see ARISTOPHANES
Wieland, Chr. Martin (1733-1813), 87; Combabus, 508
Women, The Virtues of, see Piutarcu (MoratLiA)
Women of Colchis, The, see SOPHOCLES
Works and Days, see HESIOD
Xanthus (of Sardis) (fl. 450 B.C.), II, 511
Xenarchus (4th cent. B.c.), 63, 71, 222; Pentathlon, 333
Xenocrates (4th cent. B.c.), 364
Xenophanes (fl. 620 B.c.), 182
Xenophon (c. 430-354 B.Cc.), 167,
415; Anabasis, 253, 443; Cyropedia, 169, 253, 443, 510, S125 De Republica
Lacedemoniorum, 459, 460, 461 ; Hieron, 2533 Memorabilia, ia 80, 331, 4543 U, 33, 40, 4533 iii, 177, 398; CEconomicus, 38,
253; Respublica Atheniensium, 100; Symposion, 141, 167, 174, 252, 422, 443, 450, 451, 454, 459, 460
Xenophon of Ephesus (3rd cent. A.D.), 287, 446, 491
Zenobius (A. A.D 125), 44, 213 Zonezus, erotic letter writer, 293
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