The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm, page 137
their intention when next in power, to restore the House of Lords to its former influence and prestige. At present the Labour Party remain strangely silent and inert in the presence of this grave menace to our industrial programme and social hopes.
6. We accordingly invite you to pass a resolution in the sense here indicated so that the Labour Party may not be caught napping when the crisis arrives, as it must surely arise.
We have only to add that any movement such as this cannot prove successful until it is pushed forward by the rank and file, not only of the Labour Party, but of the Trade Unions.
We venture to request that you bring this business before all your affiliated Societies, and would be grateful if you would let us know what steps you propose to take in the matter.
Yours fraternally,
(Signed) H. W. SHaw, Chairman. (Signed) B. S. Davis, Secretary.