The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia

PILLAGE 161 No. 6

Lieutenant Ivan Srdanovitch, Second in Command of the 3rd Coy., 3rd Battn. of the 3rd Supernumerary Regiment, reports under the date of August 12/25th:

Almost all the dwelling-houses in the village of Prnjavor have been burnt, likewise all the sheds, the corn, and many agricultural implements.

(This is not strictly accurate, because in Prnjavor a certain number of houses and barns, ete., still exist,—gutted of their contents, it is true.)

No. 7

Colonel Dr. Mihailovitch, of the Army Medical Service, Inspector of the Cavalry Division, reports under the date of August 10/23rd :—

In the school of Petkovitza everything had been wrecked. Maps and books were torn. The rooms of the teachers, both male and female, had been broken into and pillaged.

No. 8

Major Sreten Raikovitch, Officer in Command of the 1st Battn., 12th Infantry Regt., of the ond levy, reports under the date of August 16/29th, that the officers and men of his regiment had observed the following facts :—

In the villages of Markovo, Livade, Arambashitch, Y evremovatz, and Varna all the houses were wrecked. Whatever the Austrians had not been able «to carry away was ruined. Everyone re-

