The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


marked especially upon the revolting trail of filth the Austrians left behind them.

No. 9

Djoka Popovitch, priest, and chaplain of the 13th Regiment, of the 2nd levy, deposed under the date of August 12/25th :

The houses of the village of Grushitch, especially those on the North side, have been sacked and plundered. Every house has been ransacked in every cranny and corner. The contents of the granaries, ete., were not spared either.

No. 10

Company Commander Stoian Dashitch, commanding the 3rd Coy. of the 8rd Battn. of the 13th Regiment, reports under the date of August 12/25th :

In the village of Bela Reka the Austrians have taken and carried away everything of value ; even the savings-book of a poor woman.

No. 11

Dr. Nikola Ristitch, Army Surgeon of the 13th Infantry Regt., 1st levy, reports under the date of August 12/25th :

In the village of Desitch he noticed a house, whose door had been battered in, and the interior of which was completely wrecked. The broken furniture was scattered in every direction, the chests were forced open, only a mirror was hanging intact upon the wall.