The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


that the pillage of the towns and villages temporarily occupied by the army of invasion, was carried out systematically. In connection with this statement 1 would recall what I have already said in the chapter devoted to the bombardment of open towns and the burning of house-property.

As a matter of fact, pillage often went hand in hand with arson and, as 1 already remarked in the chapter in question, the Austro-Hungarians appear to have been specially provided with materials for causing these conflagrations.

I wish to call special attention to the deposition of private, No. 79, of the 78th Austrian Regiment, who mentions that the Hungarians laid waste all the Serbian villages in Syrmia, which statement has been confirmed by many other prisoners of war. It is also borne out by the following document found by a Serbian private on the field of battle :

K. u. K. 9. Korpskommando, R. No. 32. Ruma, August 14th, 1914.

By order of the A. O. K. Op. Kr. 259.

“Tn consequence of the hostile attitude of the population of Klenalk and Shabatz, Serbian hostages are once more to be taken in all villages, ete. including those on this side of the frontier, villages which are, or are going to be occupied by the troops. These hostages are to be summarily executed in the event of any crime being committed by the inhabitants against the forces (treason), and the enemy villages are to be set on fire. The Command
