The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


population they met with in the villages, and above all things to leave nobody in their rear.

Nos. 98 and 99 both declare that they were told to spare nobody. Captain Stransky gave the order to kill allwho carried arms, eventhough they did not fire.

No. 100. Before the fighting the officers of the 28th Hungarian Regiment of the Reserve told their men to burn everything. It was especially Major Seifert of this Regiment, who gave such instructions. On the other hand General 7%ollmann, of the 18th Division, forbade his men, under pain of death, to touch anything whatsoever. In spite of these injunctions, however, the men were guilty of cruelty and excesses.

No. 101. The first Bosnian Regiment killed peasants in Stavain (Bosnia) and burnt all the houses, because some unknown person had fired a shot in the village. It was the Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment, a Hungarian by extraction, who ordered this massacre. In Uvatz Lieut.-Colonel Krumenack gave the order to set every house on fire, and that merely in order to destroy the house of a Serbian priest. In Strbzi and Dobrava everything was likewise burnt by order of the same commander. All these villages are in Bosnia. As a general rule all houses on the Drina (Austrian side) owned by Serbs were fired.

It was the 4th Hungarian Corps that committed the massacres in Shabatz. Lieutenant Schavasnitz expressly forbade his men to plunder.

No. 102, of the 28th Regiment. Corporal 4gler told him that he would have his nose, ears, ete.. cut off, if he were taken prisoner in Serbia.