The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


No. 103, of the 26th Regiment, says they were not forbidden to sack and loot.

No. 104, of the 28th Regiment, declares that they were given no precise orders as regards looting.

No. 105, of the 78th, says that Captain Fiseniut gave orders to kill every living thing in Serbia.

No. 106, of the 26th Regiment, deposes that he was ordered, and the oer was read out to his regiment, to kill and burn all they should meet with i in the course of the campaign, and to destroy all that was Serbian. Commander Stanzer, and also Captain Irketicz ordered them to perpetrate

cruelties upon the civil population.

No. 107, Corporal in the 28th Landwehr Regiment. The General and the officers gave orders to kill the civilians in Shabatz.

No. 108, of the 3rd Bosnian Infantry Regiment. « Cadet” [Iovchitch always used the most opprobrious terms in speaking of the Austrian Serbs.

No. 109, of the 28th Regiment, 3rd Battery 12th Coy. The detachment was told that the Serbs ill-treated their prisoners, and cut off their ears, nose, ete.

No. 110 declares that Mahommedan and Catholic peasants from Bosnia accompanied the Army Transport Service. He saw them on Serbian territory. They were there to plunder. These peasants were included in the commissariat of the troops. Between Kogluk and Bielina he saw armed civilians in the carriages with the officers and men.

No. 114, of the 4th Bosnian Regiment. His regiment was accompanied by armed Bosnian peasants. They followed the Army Transport