The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Prate I. Aryan Pheenician inscriptions on Newton Stone of “ Part-olon, King of the Scots ” about 400 B.C., calling himself “ Brit-on,”’ “ Hittite,” and “ Phoenician.” (From author’s

photographs). (a) Face. (4) Semi-profile. (c) Profile . Frontispiece

FIGURES IN DEXT. FIG. A. Sun-horse of Phoenician Archangel Dasap Mutkal (Michael) and his Cross, vanquishing the Dragon, inscribed in Sumerian DIAS, with his 5 ‘“‘cup-marks.” From Hittite sacred seal of about pane B.c. (After Delaporte) B. Two Ancient Briton coins of 1st or 2nd cent. B.c. of same scene also inscribed DIAS. (After Beale and J. Evans) 1. Bel, “ The god of the Sun” and Father-god of the Pheenicians. From a Pheenician altar of about 4th century B.c. (After Renan)

. Swastika Sun-Crosses on dress of Phoenician Sun-priestess carrying sacred Fire. (After Di Cesnola)

3. ‘‘ Catti”’ Briton coin of pre-~-Roman Britain of about 2nd century B.c., with Sun and Crosssymbols. (After B. Poste) E

4. Early Khatti, “ Catti”’ or Hittites in their rock-sculptures about 2000 B.c. (After Perrot and Guillaume)

5. Phoenician coin of Carthage inscribed “‘ Barat.”’ (After Duruy)

5A. Briton prehistoric monument to Bel at Craig Narget, Wigton-

shire, with Hitto-Phcenician Sun-Crosses, etc. (After Proc. Soc. Antiquaries, Scotland)

58. Prehistoric Briton monument to Bel at Logie in Don V. alley, near Newton Stone, with Hitto-Phoenician inscription and Solar symbols. (After Stuart) .

. Aryan Phoenician inscription on New ton Stone

. Ogam Version of Newton Stone inscription as now deciphered and read .

8. Ogamoid inscription from Hittite ‘hieroglyphs, on ‘the Lion of

*Marash. (After Wright)

9. Phoenician inscription on Early Briton Coins found near Selsey. (After J. Evans) .

10. Cilician Gothic king worshipping “ “Sun- god. ” From bas-reliefs in temple of Antiochus I. of CommaZene, °3 -34 B.c. (After Cumont)

11. Cassi Coin of Early Britain, ‘inscribed “ Cas’ (After Poste) .

12. Cassis of Early Babylonia ploughing and sowing under the Sign of the Cross. From Kassi official seal of about 1350 B.c. __ (After Clay)

12a. ‘ Cassi’’ Sun-Cross on " prehistoric monument with Cup-marks at Sinniness, Wigtonshire. (After Proc. Soc. Antiquaries, Scotland) . ; 7 . z . 5 . :

13. Pheenician patronymic titles of “* Pavat” and “ Prydi”’ or “ Pyudt ”’ on Phoenician tombstones in Sardinia F



with Sun-horse.



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