The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


indicate briefly here what these new keys are, and the manner in which I was led to discover them,”

In attacking the great unsolved fascinating Aryan Problem—the lost origin of our fair, long-headed, civilized ancestors of the Brito-Scandinavian and Ancient GrecoMedo-Persian race who gave to Europe and Indo-Persia their Aryan languages and Higher Civilization—a problem which had so completely baffled all enquiring historians that, after failing to find any traces of them as a race, they threw it up in despair about half a century ago, I took up the problem at its eastern or Indo-Persian end and devoted to it most of my spare time during over a quarter of a century spent in India.

There were some manifest advantages in attacking the problem from its eastern end. Philologists, ethnologists and anthropologists were generally agreed that the eastern branch of the ancient ruling Aryan race in India had presumably. preserved in the Sanskrit dialect a purer form of the original Aryan speech than was to be found in the European dialects, from Greek to Gothic and English ; whilst they also preserved a great body of traditional literature regarding the original location, doings and achievements of the Early Aryans which had been lost by the western or European branch in the vicissitudes and destructive turmoil of long ages of migration and internecine wars. Besides this, the long prevalence in India of the rigid caste system, by restricting intermarriage between different tribes and the dusky aborigines, was supposed to have preserved the Aryan physical type in the ruling Aryan caste there, in relatively purer form than in Europe. 7

After acquiring a working knowledge of Sanskrit and the vernaculars, and studying the Indian traditions, written and unwritten at first hand, as well as all the reports of the archeological survey department on excavations, etc., and personally visiting all of the most reputed ancient sites, and making several fresh explorations and excavations at first hand, and measuring the physical types of the people, I eventually found that, despite all that has been written about the vast antiquity of Civilization in India, mostly