The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


by theorists who had never visited India, there was absolutely no trace of any civilization, 1.e., Higher Civilization in India before the seventh century B.C. Indeed, nothing whatever of traces of Civilization, apart from the rude Stone Circles, has ever been found by the scientifically equipped Indian Archeological Survey Department, in their more or less exhaustive excavations on the oldest reputed sites down to the virgin soil during over half a century, which can be specifically dated to before 600 B.C.

On the other hand, I observed, that historical India, like historic Greece, suddenly bursts into view about 609 B.C. in the pages of Buddhist literature, and in the Maha Barat epic, with a multitude of Aryan rulers speaking the Aryan language, with a fully-fledged Aryan Civilization, of precisely the same general type which has persisted down to the present day.

The question then arose: whence came these Aryan invaders suddenly into India about the seventh century B.C., with their fully-fledged Aryan Civilization, into a land previously uncivilized ?

On analysing this early Aryan Civilization thus suddenly introduced into India, in regard to its culture, social structure, customs, folklore and religion, and the traditional topography and climate of its ancestral homeland as described in the Vedas—descriptions wholly inapplicable to India—I was led by numerous clues to trace these “ Aryan,” or as they called themselves ‘“‘ Arya,” invaders of India back to Asia Minor and Syria-Pheenicia.

I then observed that the old ruling race of Asia Minor and Syria-Phcenicia, from immemorial time, were the great imperial, highly civilized, ancient people generally known as “ Hitt-ites,’ but who called themselves “ Khatti"’ or “Cath,” which is the self-same title by which the early Briton kings of the pre-Roman period called themselves and their vace, and stamped it upon their Briton coins—the so-called © Catti ”’ coins of early Britain (see Fig. 3). And the early ruling race of Aryans who first civilized India also called themselves “ Khattiyo,’’ as we shall see presently.

This ancient Khatti or “Catti” ruling race of Asia
