The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


so largely recruited in modern times from miscellaneous party politicians and successful capitalists, has not only no monopoly of the Aryan type, but is to an appreciable extent obviously of the non-Aryan type—which is, perhaps, also to be explained in part by the fact that the Aryan rulers were in the habit of often confirming aboriginal chiefs in their chieftainship subject to Aryan suzerainty. And not a few individuals of this relatively pure Aryan physique are also to be seen amongst what are called “ the Lower Classes,’ and may possibly explain to some extent the fact that whatever the general quality of the “ Lower Classes ’’ may be, it has always furnished capable candidates for vacancies in the ‘‘ Upper.”

In regard to the general topographical distribution of this relatively pure Aryan type in Britain, comparisons on such a matter may seem somewhat of the proverbially invidious kind. But, as we have seen that the Anglo-Saxons and Britons are of the same racial stock, and that both the Cymri and Scots are Britons, it is merely a question as to the facts in regard to the relative survival and distribution of the Aryan physical type in the kingdom. This type is admittedly found by observation and _ statistics in greater proportion to the general population to the north of the Tweed than to the south. Even as regards mere relative tallness, which is one of the associated Aryan traits, Scotland heads the list as containing the highest average stature in Europe,t even when its Aryan average is much reduced by including the non-Aryan element which forms the main body of its population. The relatively high proportion of the Aryan type in Scotland is, perhaps, owing to that country having been apparently a refuge for a considerable proportion of the more independent Briton Catti in order to escape the Roman domination, as has been already referred to. It may also be that it is on account of Scotland being in this way endowed with an extra reserve of the relatively purer Aryan stock of the old Aryan ruling race, that the saying has arisen that the Scots appropriate a disproportionate share in the administrative positions all the world over, and that when

1D.R.M., 584.