The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


they cross the Tweed to the southern part of the land of their Catti ancestors, they are sometimes petulantly stigmatized there as “‘interlopers,’ from the time of Johnson downwards.

In Ireland the Aryan type appears to be especially numerous in Ulster, though found all over Erin or the ancient “ Scotia,” where the great bulk of the population is of the Iberian “ Celtic’ type. It thus would seem that the unhappy Irish Question is largely a matter of race antagonism or race war between different racial elements with different inherited psychology and temperaments and holding different ideals and outlooks on Life, even when nurtured in and leavened by Aryan Civilization.

And similarly the modern industrial and political unrest among the masses, with bitter strife between Capital and Labour and between Thrift and Unthrift, and the growth of crude revolutionary notions against the established order of Civilization, with proposals not unfrequently antagonistic to the cherished Aryan tradition of Freedom, and destructive of the foundations of that Civilization which has raised the masses of the people from the misery of the Stone Age “herd” into the material and social blessings which they now enjoy, are obviously to a considerable extent the result of the deep-seated race antagonism still surviving amongst the conflictingly diverse racial elements comprised within the British nation. And the like explanation may be given of the corresponding industrial unrest in other Aryanized countries,

In view of the Early Aryans having been the originators of the Higher Civilization, which has raised mankind to a higher plane of life, and having been at the same time the chief agents in the Propagation and Progress of Civilization it would be interesting to ascertain in what proportion the Aryan physique is present in the modern leaders of our Nation—in the spheres of government, science, industry, capital and labour and in “ socialism,”

Returning to the question of the physical and mental results of the mixing of races, we find that, when the process

continues to go on for a prolonged period, the ultimate effect cc