The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


“stolid and solid, outwardly abrupt, but warm-hearted and true, haughty and even overbearing through an innate sense of superiority, yet at heart sympathetic and always just, hence a ruler of men ; seemingly dull or slow, yet pre-eminent in the realms of philosophy and imagination (Newton and Shakespeare).””*

The advantages of race mixture are advocated by many recent psychologists. Galton and Havelock Ellis have brought forward a variety of evidence, tending to show that great Englishmen are born on the borderland between the old Briton and Saxon settlements, and were presumably the result of ‘race mixture.” But this does not appear to be really a case of race mixture, as the Britons and Saxons are of the same race, whilst the Pictish and “Celtic” elements are widely diffused throughout the whole land.

It remains to be seen whether the higher outstanding Aryan capacity for ruling, and the Aryan genius for constructive progress in science, philosophy, and the Higher Civilization, and the high moral fibre of the Aryan, sutier any relaxation in the new mixed race; and whether the grand old Aryan type is dethroned, swamped and becomes extinct. This is a preblem for the Eugenists.

In the achievement and preservation and progress of the Higher Civilization there is to be noted the supreme prominence which the Aryan founders of C ivilization placed upon the indispensableness of the Religion of the One and Only Universal Father-god as the corner stone in the fabric of the Higher Civilization, as seen evidenced everywhere in the profusion of their magnificent Aryan votive religious monuments and inscriptions from the earliest period, and in their sacred hymns, as cited in the heading and in previous chapters. This practical necessity for the Higher Aryan Religion, with its exalted ethics, in the preservation and progress of Civilization is altogether ignored by Socialists, Communists and Anarchists in modern times. Our newlyfound fresh light on the Origin of Civilization and on the Aryan men and supermen of genius who founded it and discovered the true paths for its future progress, discloses

1K.M., 532.