The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


more Clearly even than before the necessity for the Higher Religion occupying a foremost place in Civilization; and that the short-sighted godless attempts at ‘“‘ government ” by the French and other revolutionists and the Bolsheviks were and are foredoomed to failure, if Civilization itself is not to be utterly destroyed.

Here, it is also to be noted that the racial titles of “‘ Briton ”’ and “ British "’ apply also equally to several of our colonies, not excepting that former great colony of Britain across the Atlantic, the great Western republic, severed from its Motherland by the intolerable tyranny and feudal despotism rampant under George III. The United States is essentially British in its origin and original colonists, and still remains “ British’ in its fundamental constitution, civilization and language. Although now such a vastly composite nation, through the fusion of Briton, Norse and German, Latin and Slav, it is to be remembered that, besides being founded by British colonists and organized by the Englishman George Washington, the stream of emigration which flowed into the States down to the middle seventies of last century was almost entirely British and Scandinavian, with the predominating element British. The essential unity of the two kindred Aryanized nations, the British and the “‘ American,” was ably expressed by the great American statesman, the U.S. ambassador Mr. Page, when he said:

~ Our standards of character and of honour and of duty are your standards ; and life and freedom have the same meaning with us that they have with you. These are the essential things, and in this we have always been one.”

It therefore behoves these two of the greatest of the Aryanized kindred nations in the world to translate their union of Thought into union of Action, in working together for the preservation and progress of the Higher Civilization of the Aryans, for the welfare of the World, and as a bounden duty which they owe their immortal ancestors, from whom they have inherited the priceless boon of British Civilization, the virile Aryan Brito-Phcenicians, .

We thus find that in the complex welter of mixed races