The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


end line GID ZAL TUK NIR-A SARU. Caduceus of Sol, take up OLord All-Perfect One. (-holder) (Sun) NIN-A MIS TE DA TAS XAL_ WA.

Nina (by) the uplifted in (thy) O TaS hasten (thine)ear !

princess Wood(Cross) hand. SIG GLBIL SARU-A - TAS-A ARL. The of Bil’s O All-Perfect Tas, this Ari(lift up) ! Sick- Fire-Torch, (Aryan) one

3rd line ASST: XAL GIN GI. or ANSE?

Horse(-man) hasten! the faithful one lift up! KHAT AZAG-A TAS-A MAD ER-AS DU SA Cut O Shining One, O TaS! the mud from her (in) mound within,

SARU TAS. All-Perfect Tas !

GID ZAL SARU ES TAX BID. Caduceus of Sol! All-Perfect (in) the house of Tax (let her) bide! (-holder) (Sun) -the-Angel

It will be noticed that this pathetic prayer is to Tas-Mikal for Resurrec- tion from the Dead by the Wood-Cross. And the Horse-man Ta§ implored as ‘ Horse”’ is the Sun-horse figured on the Briton coms, and on the archaic Hittite seals, on pp. xv. and 410.

The strikingly Aryan character and radical identity of the majority of these Amorite Sumerian words with those still current in modern English are here tabulated. The references for their values in the standard Sumerian lexicons of Briinow and Meissner are placed within brackets —

Gal =“ girl,” slang “‘ gal” (Br.10906) 4A =O! Ah! (M. 8964)

Kud=“ good’ (3338, and 3340) Tuk =“ take” (10545 ; M. 7968) Me§ =“ mas-ter,” “ majes-ty ” (5953) Wis =“ mace "-wood (Br. 5699)

Xal Khal, or Bulux—“ gall-op,”“ Sig =*‘sick”’ (11869) celer-ity,” “ veloc-ity;’’ Sanskrit Avi =‘ Ary-an,” Eddic “ Harri”

Cal (78-79) (M. 5328: B.B.W., 316) Dug=" jug,” Akkad Kannu“acan,” Khat—* cut” (Br. 5573, 5581) Oa, Akkad Qu=“ cue” (1352, M. 791) -Wad (or Mat)=“ mud” or earth ;

(5801) Indo-Pers. mati (7356) Tu =‘ thou” (Br. to511 and 24) Ey =“ her” (M. 3719) Gid =Caduceus (7512) Es =“ house" (Br. 3814) Gothic Zal =“ Sol,” “‘ Sol-an,’”’ Eddic “ Sol,” and Old Eng. “ Hus.” Shetland Sol-een “ Sun ”’ (7777) Bid =“ bide,” “ abide (Br. 6235)

We thus recover the actual Aryan words of this remotely ancient Amorite prayer, in series with those uttered by our Sun-worshipping Briton ancestors, in their prayers for Resurrection from the Dead in their Cupmark inscriptions in prehistoric Britain about four or five thousand years


1PS.L. 34, which closely agrees with Sanskrit Asva, and the “‘ desu” of the Briton Horse man Coins; and see Hittite representations on pp. xv. and 410.

2C.1.W.A., etc., in B.B.W. 211. Pinches reads the sign as Ansu** Ass,” also“ Horse” (M.D. 773), the word horse being originally of the ass tribe. The sign also reads [Z-SA or ISSA ;

cp. Br. 4984.