The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



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Lite in Ancient Britain. N. Ault. 1920.

Ancient Coins. J. ¥. Akerman. 1846.

Antiquitates Celto-Normanicae. J. Johnstone, Copenhagen. 1786.

Académie des Inscript. et Belles Lettres, Comptes Rendus. Paris.

Tel el Amarna Letters: (W) ed. H. Winckler, 1896; (B) British Museum. 1892.

Adamnan’s Life of St. Columba, ed. Reeves.

Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus, Bohn’s ed.

Prehistoric Times. Lord Avebury. 1900.

Younger Edda (Snorri), tr. R. B. Anderson, Chicago. 1880.

Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. J. Bosworth. 1gor.

Origin and Developt. of Babylonian Writing. G. A. Barton, Leipzig. 1913.

Antiquities of County of Cornwall. W. Borlase. 17509.

Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary. E. W. Budge. 1920.

Gods of Egypt. E. W. Budge. 1904.

Hist. Ecclesiast. Gentis Anglorum. Bede ed. 163r.

House of Seleucus. E. R. Bevan. 1902.

Lives of the Saints. S. Baring-Gould. 1914.

Ogam Inscriptions. R. R. Brash. 1879.

Phoenizisches Glossar. A. Bloch, Berlin. 18q1.

Classified List of Sumerian Ideographs. R. Briinnow, Leyden. 1880.

Races of Britain. J. Beddoe. 1885.

Cory’s Ancient Fragments, ed. F. R. Hodges. 1876.

Auraicept, etc. G. Calder. I9I7.

Trans. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq. Society.

Britannia. W. Camden; ed. R. Gough, 2nd ed. 1806.

Cyprus Researches and Excavs. L. P. di Cesnola. 1877.

cons Inscript. Semiticarum: Inscript. Phenicieg. Paris. 1887.

Cuneiform Inscriptions of W. Asia. H. Rawlinson and T. Pinches.

Mission en Cappadoce. E. Chantre. Paris. 1898.

Mysteries of Mithra. F. Cumont, Chicago. 1910.

New Grange and other Inscribed Mons. in Ireland. G. Coffey. 1912.

= compare.

Personal Names of Cassite Period. A. T. Clay. 1912.

La Glyptique Syro-Hittite. G. Contenau. Paris, 1922.

Syrian Stone Lore. C. R. Conder. 1886.

Dent's Atlas of Ancient Classic Geography.

Czsar’s De Bello Gallico.