The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



D.E.M. D.R.M. Bale E-C.B. Edda.

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Cylindres Orientaux de la Bibliot. Nat. (B) ; du Musée du Louvre (L) 1920-23. IL. Delaporte, Librairie Hachette, Paris.

Early Man in Britain. Boyd Dawkins. 1880.

Races of Man. J. Deniker. 1900.

Ancient Bronze Implements. J. Evans. 1881.

Coins of the Ancient Britons. J. Evans. 1864.

Gothic Eddas (C) Codex Regius collotype. F. Wimmer & Jonsson. 1891. (N) romanized text by G. Neckel, Heidelberg. 1914. (VP) text in Corpus Poeticum Boreale by G. Vigfusson & Y. Powell. 1883.

Life of Christ in Art. F.W. Farrar. igor.

Medallas de Espana. M. Florez. About 1818.

Rude Stone Monuments. J. Fergusson. 1872.

Hist. of Ancient Coinage, B.c 7oo—300. P. Gardner. 1918.3 Hist. Britonum. Geoffrey of Monmouth, tr. by A. Thompson, 1718, in “ Old English Chronicles" by J. A. Giles. 1882.

Dictionnaire Celto-Breton. J. le Gonidec. 1821.

Decline and Fall of Roman Empire. E. Gibbon.

Hieroglyphs. F. L. Griffith. 1808.

Land of the Hittites. J. Garstang. i910.

Making of England. J. R. Green. 1897.

Old English Chronicles. J. A. Giles. 1882.

Hymns of Rig Veda. R. Griffiths. Benares. 1896.

Ancient Britain and Invasion of Julius Cesar. T. R. Holmes. 1907.

Carchemish. D. Hogarth. t1or14.

Brit. Mus. Catal. Greek Coins of Cilicia, etc. G. Hill.

Brit. Mus. Catal. Greek Coins of Ionia. H. Head.

Brit. Mus. Catal. Greek Coins of Phoenicia. G. Hill.

Encyclopeedia, Religion and Ethics, ed. J. Hastings. 1908-21.

Faiths and Folklore. W.C. Hazlitt. 1905.

Hittite Seals in B.M. D. Hogarth. 10920.

Ancient Hist. Near East. H. R. Hall. rg20.

Prehistoric Remains of Caithness. S. Laing and T. H. Huxley. 1866.

Les Celtes. M. d’Arbois de Jubainville.

Jour. Ethnological Society.

Jour. Roy. Anthropological Institute.

Religion of Babylonia. M. Jastrow. ro1t.

Etymological Dictionary of Scottish Language. J. Jamieson, ed. Metcalfe. 1912.

Antiquity of Man. A. Keith, 1916.

Hist. of Babylon. L. W. King. 1915.

Hist. of Ireland. Jeof. Keating, ed. P. Joyce. Dublin. 1880.

Man Past and Present. A.H. Keane. rgo0.

Hist. of Sumer and Akkad. L. W. King. 1916.

Hist. of Penzance. W. S. Lach-Szyrma. 1878.

Neue Ph6nizische u. Iberische Inschrift. aus Sardinien. W. F. v. Landau in Mitt, d. Vorderasiat, Gesellsch. 1900. 3.

Stonehenge. N. Lockyer. ro06.

Sumerian Grammar. S. Langdon., Paris. rorr.

Maha-Barata or Epic of the Great Barats. Calcutta text; and (R) English translation. P. C. Roy. Calcutta. 1893.

Coin Types. G. Macdonald. 1995.

Dictionary of Assyrian Language. W. Muss-Arnolt. Berlin. 1905.

Early Chronicles Scotland. H. Maxwell. 1912.

Fians, Fairies and Picts. D. MacRitchie. 1893.