The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



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Murray's Handbook to Asia Minor by C. Wilson. 1895.

Races of Ireland and Scotland. W.C. Mackenzie. About IgI0.

Vedic Index. A. A. Macdonell and A. B. Keith. 1912.

Origin and Character of the British People. N.C. Macnamara.


Reich u. Kultur d. Chetiter. Meyer. Berlin. IgT4.

Sanskrit-English Dict, M. Monier-Williams. T8009.

Vedic Mythology. A. A. Macdonell. 1897.

Hist. Britonum by Nennius, ¢r. in ‘“‘ Old English Chronicles,” J. A. Giles.

Numismatic Chronicle, London.

Pedigree of English People. T. Nicholas. 1868.

New Statistical Acct. of Scotland.

Formation of the Alphabet. W. F. Petrie. 1912.

Ancient Britain. Beale Poste. 1857.

Hist. of Art in Phoenicia. G. Perrot and C. Chipiez. 1885.

Hist. of Art in Sardinia, Syria, etc. G.. Perrot and C. Chipiez. 1880.

Coins of Cunobelin and the Ancient Britons. B. Poste. 1853.

Description of Greece by Pausanias. Bohn’s trans.

History of Egypt. W. F. Petrie, ed. 1912.

Excavations in Cranborne Chase. A. Pitt-Rivers. 1886-1905.

Ptolemy's Geography, ed. I. Ant. Aug. Patavino, St. Petersburgh. 1597.

Galatie et Bithynie. Perrot and Guillaume.

(a) Megalithic Monuments and Ancient Mines. (6) Distribution Megaliths in England. In Manchester Memoirs. 1915. No.1. and 1921, No. 13. W. J. Perry.

Proc. Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Sumerian Lexicon. J. D. Prince. Leipzig. 1908.

Vocabulaire Hiéroglyphique. P. Pierret. Paris. 1875.

Celtic Britain. J. Rhys. rgo4.

Cities of St. Paul. W. M. Ramsay. 1908.

Historical Geography of A. Minor. W. M. Ramsay. Roy. Geog. Soc. Supplementary Papers. 1806.

Hibbert Lects. of 1886. On Celtic Heathendom. J. Rhys. 1892.

History of Pheenicia. G. Rawlinson. 1889.

Mission de Phénicie. FE. Renan. Paris, 1864.

Races of Europe. W. Z. Ripley. 1900.

Rig Veda Hymns and Text of T. Aufrecht Bonn and M. Miiller.

British Archaic Sculpturings. J. Y. Simpson. 1857.

Plates of Coins of Anct. Brit. Kings. Dr. Stukeley, F.R.S. Lond. 1765.

Chronicles of Picts and Scots. W. F. Skene. 1867.

Infl. Ancient Egyptian Civiliz. in East and America. G. E. Smith. 1916.

Etymolog. Dict. of English Language. W. W. Skeat. 1882.

The Hittites. A. H. Sayce. 1910.

Hibbert Lects. for 1887 on Religion of Ancient Babylonians. A. H. Sayce. 1808.

Ilios. H. Schliemann. 1880.

Inscriptions of Van. A. H. Sayce in Jour. Roy. As. Soc. 1882.

Mycene. H. Schliemann. 1878.

Migrations of Early Culture. G. E. Smith. 1915.

Sculptured Stones of Scotland. J. Stuart. Spalding Club,

Aberdeen. 1856. The Alphabet. I. Taylor. 1883.