The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Boghaz Koi anc. capital of Catti, Hitt-ites or Early Goths, 7, 7o, 78

Boots of Hittites of Gothic type, 7, 349

Brain, developt. of frontal lobes in Aryan, v. “‘ Celts,’’ 122, 134—sf.

Brennus, (Brian), Briton king of Gaul, sacks Rome about 390 B.c., 34, 387, 389

Bretons, Sun Fire cult amongst, 216

Bride, St., or Brigit, and her serpent, 106f.

Bngit, St., or Frigg, matriarch of Gothic Eddas, 106f.

Brihat, form of n. Brit or Brit-on, T, 53

Eritain, or Britannia, origin and meaning of n., 52, 65, 169; n. given by Brutus, 142, 155, 168-9; Anglo-Saxon variations in spelling n., 66; former names of, 190, mixed races in modern, 363f.

Britain, Ancient, aborigines of, not Britons, 103, 111, 120-1, 125f., 168, 365; arrival of Britons in, 142f. ; Amorites about 2800 B.c. in, see Amorites: affixes to Place-names in, Hitto-Pheenician, 43, 171, 203f. ; agriculture introd. by Phoenicians in, 170 ; Cross in, 28of. ; destruction of monuments of, 35; Goths in, 179f.: Hitto-

Pheenic. Sun-cult in, 262£; ladies in, 71-3, 185, 245, 388:

Part-olon’s conquest of N., 67f. : Phoenics. in, 1509f.: Pheenic. civilization and penetration of, 188i, 2cof.; Phcenic. inscripts in, 32f., 43, 3551. ; Phoenic. place and r. names in, 172f., 188f., 200f.; Resurrection belief in, 256f. ; Sumerian inscripts. in, 227f., and see cup-marks, 238f.; trade with Gades, 147, 222; Trojan place and r. names in, 172f.; Trojan symbols in, 149, 204f.

Britain, Modern, Pheenician influence in, 363f., 28of.

Britanni tribe on Somme, 186

Britannia tutelary, Phoenician

origin of n. and form of, 55f.; as Phoenician Barat or Barati, 55, 58; on coins of Carthage, 9, Cilicia, 55, Sidon, 57; in Egypt, 59-60; in Wedas, 58-9: on Roman coins, 56; as Bérouth in Phoenicia, H.C.P., xlvi; re Diana, 45; her Cross, 55, 57, 61; her



Fire-torch (ve lighthouse), 58; helmet, 59; herson Neptune, 58

Britenden, and Ogam script, 44

British ““ camps,”’ prehistoric, 1g91f., 205f., 397f.

British Chronicles, traditional, historicity of, 147—-8f.

British, Hitto-Phcenic. origin of n., 52, 65 ; modern non-racial use of term, 371 ;

Brito-Martis, title of Britannia, 63-4

Briton, n. of Hitto-Phoenic. origin, I, 8f., r4f., 52, 65; n. given by Brutus, 142, 155, 168-9; coins, see Coins; n. in personal names, 215; 0. in place-names, r88f., in Ireland, 199; kings, list of early, 385 ; language of Sumerian origin introd. by Brutus is basis of English, 175f. ; mod. use of term, 371: war-chariots of HittoTrojan type, 145

Britons, or Barats, a branch of Aryan Hitto-Pheenicians, 2, 5, 15, 38f.; false views about, 144f. ; not aborigines of Albion, rirf., 127f.; arrival in Albion, 142f. ; Anglo-Saxons, a branch of, 44, 186-7; agriculture introd. by, 179; art of, 181f.; Bronze Age introd. by, 183; chronicles of, 142f.; civilization of, 71f., 142, 151f., 184; clans of, see Tribes; coins of, 6, 144, see Coins; colonization of, 186f.; cup-mark inscriptions of, 236f.; home-land of, 8f, 14, 142f.; in Denmark, 186; in France, 186; in Germany, 186; Ireland, 67f.; Italy, 214; king-lists of, 385f. : language of, basis of English, 178f., 190; law-codes of, 18rf. ; physical type Aryan, 134f.; settlements sep. from aborigines, 203-4 ; ships of, 408; religion of, 262f.; roads ot, 182, ro1f, 204f. ; Stone-Circles of, 216f.; Trojan elements in, r42f., 177f.; war chariots of, Hitto-Trojan, 145, see Barat, Briton and Britain Ancient

Brittany, Cassi tribe in, 389; Phoenician Sun and Fire festivals in, 103, 216, 273; megaliths in,

103, 216 Briutus, var. of Brutus, 404 Broch, towers of Hitto-Phoenic.

style, 171; and n. Hittite, 171