The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Di-Caledon, title of Picts, T17 Din-sol, n. of Michael's Mount, 281 Dioc, n. of Dias or Tascio of A.B. on Phoenician coins, 354 Dionysos, Corn Spirit, worshipped in A.B., 70, 330f., 347f.; by

Goths, 70; by Pheenics., 7o, 346f ; Hittite origin of representn., 310; Sumer orig. of n.,


Dks, Dzk n. of Dias or Tasc of A.B. on Pheenic. coins, 249, 346, 354

Dolmens ve Phoenies., see megaliths

Don Valley prehistoric Briton monuments, r8f.

Door, The, title of Phcenic. St. Michael, 351

Dorians as Trojans, 177f.

Doric lang. as British Gothic, 1 Sr

Dragon, as coalesced totems of aborigines symbolizing Death, 331, 348; as Serpent in A.B., 311; figured in Hittite seals, 344; Indara as slayer of, 3rof. ; Indra as slayer, 315, 324, 343, 363 ; St. Andrew as Slayer, 319; St. George, 319-360 : St. Michael,


(or Tascio), 319f, 343, 350f ; |

Tas or Marduk as slayer of, 359

Dress, of A.B. and Goths of Hittite type, 7, 46, 113, 239, 335 ; hornheaddress of A.B., Goths and Anglo-Saxons of Hitto-Sumer type, 239, 245, etc. ; Eariy Gothic or Hittite ladies’ d., 7, 245, 248, etc.

Druid Circles, misnomer for Stone Circles, 225

Druid origin of trilithon temple at Stonehenge, 232: and of Keswick Circle “ temple,” 228

Druid religion of aborigines, lunar and antisolar, 232 ; human sacrifice in, 232-3: Britons proper were non-Druids, 184

Drams, prehistoric sculptured stone, with solar emblems, as Sunwheels for rolling rite, 27 |e

Dual cup-marks for Sun in A.B. as in Hitto-Sumer, 246f,, 2408.

Dumnonii tribe of (efi in ASB a2. 173, 282

Dun, a fort or town of n., 281

Dun-Barton or Fort of Bartons or Britons, 143, 159, 170, 197, 281;


, Sumer orig.

431 seat of Brit. king Bili, 87; of Br. king Gawolon 143; of Gildas

143 ; found. of, abt. 990 B.c., 386; see St. Patrick

| Dun-Edin (Edinburgh), 198, 408

Dwr, Cymric “‘ Water ” from Sumer. Duru, 324, and cognate with Persian Darya

| Dyaus, Vedic god in A.B., 244

Dyce and its Stone Circle re Tezal:

or Texali tribe, 357

_Ea or Ia (Jah) god n. of Sumers, | invoked in A.B., see Ta

| Eagle, Hitto-Sumer Sun-bird in A.B, 251, 284, 349; and see Hawk; on A.B. coins, 211, 284,

349 :

Ear, of Barley on Catti coins as in Phoenician, 6, 339, etc.; to ear (the ground) a. derived from Sumer, 345, 361 cossais, origin of n., 49, 215

Eddas, The, epics of British and Norse origin, 179 ; historicity of, 179, 410

Edinburgh, Hedins-eyio of Goths, 408; and see Dun-Edin

Euphrates r. mentioned in Vedas ve \ndra (or Andrew), 324

Egypt, Aryan kings in ancient, 12 ; Britannia in, 6o0f.; Cross in, 205, 351; Flight to, to Suntemple of Phoenix, 280: Firedrill n. is Sumer, 62-3; Michael Tascio (Makhial-Resef) in, 350f. ; New Syrian art in, is Pheenic., 220 ; Phoenicians in, 39, 60-1

Egyptian origin theory of Stone Circles, 217{.

Eisv legend on Sun-horse A.B. coins as Sumer, 285

English, language based on British Gothic, 178f.; and remotely on Sumerian, xi., see Words ; people, not a race, 148 ; of mixed origin, 371; see Anglo-Saxon

Eppi, or Erri, legend on A.B. coins, 261

Ey legend on A.B. coins re Erakles, 349

Erc, family n. of King Part-olon or Ikr, 50, 68, 396

Eremon n. of tribe in Ireland, 395

Erin, Aryan meaning of n., 199

| Esk, Exe or Isca, river n. of Trojan

origin, 173-4, 198, 208