The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


dynasties with the names of the later historical Hitt-ite kings of Asia Minor, as known from their own still extant monuments, as well as from the contemporary Babylonian and Assyrian records, and I found that the father of the first historical Aryan king of India (as recorded in the MahaBarata epic and Indian Buddhist history) was the last historical king of the Hitt-ites in Asia Minor, who was killed at Carchemish on the Upper Euphrates on the final annexation of that last of the Hitt-ite capitals to Assyria by Sargon II. in 718 p.c. And I further found that the predecessors of this Hitt-ite king, as recorded in the cuneiform monuments of Asia Minor and in the Assyrian documents, back for several centuries, were substantially identical with those of the traditional ancestors of this first historical Aryan king of India as found in these Indian Epic King-Lists.*

Thus the absolute identity of the Indian branch of the Aryans with the Khatti or Hitt-ites was established by positive historical proof ; and at the same time the Khatti or Hitt-ites were disclosed to be Aryans in race, and of the primary Aryan stock; and the truly historical character of the Indian Epic King-Lists was also conclusively established.

On further scrutinizing the earlier dynasties of these Epic King-Lists, I observed that several of the leading kings of the earlier Aryan dynasties in these lists bore substantially the same names, with the same records of achievements, and in the same relative chronological order as several of the leading kings of early Mesopotamia—the so-called ‘‘ Sumerians ’’ and ‘“‘ Akkads,’’ as recorded in their own still extant monuments and in the fragmentary ancient chronicles of that land. Still further, I observed that isolated early kings of Mesopotamia, who are only known to Assyriologists from their stray inscribed monuments as solitary kings of unknown dynasty and unknown origin and race, were mostly recorded in my King-Lists in their due order and chronological succession in their respective dynasties with full lists of the Aryan Kings of these dynasties

1 Full details, with proofs, in my forthcoming Avyan Origins.