The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Gomer, Hebrew n. for Sumer and Cimmerian, 193, n. in Britain, 195

Goose, sacred Sun-bird of HittoPheenics. and A.B., 284-6 ; eating tubooed in A.B., 341; on A.B. mons., caves and coins, 284; with Cross in A.B., 350; with Cross and St. Michael on Phoen. coins, 348-9 ; assoc. with Michaelmas, 341

Got, proper n. for Goth, 333

Goth, properly Got, or Guti, synonym of Gad, Kud, Catti, Khatti or Hittite primitive

Aryans, 7,46, 70,179-80,186, 330f. n. of Hitto-Sumer origin, 330-1, Goat as rebus for, 251, 320, 346 ; Goat-horns worn by, 340; in place-names in Brit., 205f., 397f.

Gothic, arch, and architecture, | Hittite, 7o; Eddas mainly British, 179

Goths, as Early Aryans, Catti or Hittites, 7, 8; Arianism of, 301, 303, 323; dress of Hittite, 7,46, 239f., 340 ; horn head-dress of, 239, 245f., 340 ; hymns of, to the Sun, 313; introd. Cross symbol into Christianity, 30Tf. ; language of, derived from Sumerian, and basis of English, 179, 240f., see Words; physical type of, Aryan, 136; St. Michael as defender of, 346, Indara or Andrew as Defender of, 320f.

Got-ini and Goth-ones, tribe of Goths on Rhine, 186

gow affix in A.B place-names, Hittite, 78, 308

Gower, of Arthur legend, and its megaliths, 195

Gowrie, Carse of, and its megaliths, 198

Grahams’, or Picts’, dyke, 197, see Grime

Grain Crosses in A.B., 214, 3308.

Grain tutelary of Hitto-Sumers in A.B., see Corn Spirit

Grammatical structure of English and Gothic based on Sumer, 35, 77, etc.

Graves, Chariots interred in, A.B., 145

Greek (Hellenic) lang., a branch of Hittite or Ilannu, 177, and see Words ; Cross as Hitto-Pheenic., 291

Grim’s, or Grime’s (= Hun’s) dyke,

or ditch, 197; graves, as Stone Age Huns’, in Norfolk

Guad-alquivir, r..of Pheenic. prov. in Spain, 118

Guti title of Goths in Early Mesopotamia, 179, 331

Gwalia n. for Wales, 140, 203

Gyaolownie, or “‘ Hittite,’ title of Part-olon in Phoenic. inscript., 22, 67f.

Gyron Cross of British heraldry, Hittite origin and n. of, 306-7

Hafr, Eddic title of Gothic soldiers, of Hittite origin, 331

| Hair, colour of, of A.B. Aryan,

Britons, 134, 371; of beard, 230,

245, 247; of Celts and Iberians

134; in modem Britain, 371;

ladies’ coiffure (Hittite) of A.B., 7,

245, 248, 250

| Hammer of Indara or Indra is Andrew’s “ Cross,” 318f.; at St. Andrew's, 326; is Thors H., 318, 320-1

Hand of Sun-god, ceremony of taking, in Hitto-Sumer, 46, in Gothic Eddas, 47, in Vedas, 47

| Hare-Stanes, megaliths, Aryan meaning of n., 235

Harri, Gothic and Hittite “ Aryan,” 235

Harvest Festiv. in A.B., 341.

Harvest Spirit in A.B., as in Hitto-


Sumer. 338f., 350f.; -Cross in A.B., see Com; and St.Michael, 3501.

Harvester of Life, Aryan god-title, 256

Hat or Hatt in Brit. place-names for Khatti, Hatti or Hitt-ite, 203f.,


Hatti, Semitic for Khatti or Hittite, 203

Hatton, place n. in Brit., 203f., 3971.

Hawk, Sun-, on A.B. coins, 251, 284-6, 349-50; and see Eagle

Head-form, as index of race, 133f. ; of A.B., 135f., 224f., of Phoenicians as Aryan, 12, 365

Heaven, Gothic n. Himin derived from Sumer, 243, 251

Hebrides v. Hiberia or Iberia, 137

| He-Goat n. for Father-god, 243, 251

Helena, empress, reputed Briton princess, 185