The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Geat, var. of Goth, 180 | Glass beads, Pheenic. of about 1400

Geleoin, clan of Part-olon ‘‘ Gioln,”’ | _ B.c. at Stonehenge, etc., 2Tof. 67-8, 170, 304f., see Geloni Glastonbury aborig. lake-dwellings,

Gelon, son of Hercules, 7a 136

Geloni tribe of Gaths from Gelon, | Goat, as sacred solar animal in 72, 395; worship Dionysos (Tas- | A.B., as in Hitto-Sumer and ci0), 70, 395 | Phoenic., 250, 286, 330, 333, 335f.,

3471. ; as Cymric mascot totem, 251, 333 ; as Gothic totem, origin of, 331, 333 ; as rebus for “‘ Goth,”

Genealogies of A.B. kings, 385f. Geoffrey of Monmouth, historicity of, Chronicles of, 74, 141f., r50f.

Geosraphic Distribution of Pheenic. 251, 320, 330, 332, 345f. settlements in A.B. from anc. | Goat, and Achaians, 321, 325); place-names with remains, 18Sf., in Aken-aten’s art reflected in 200f. A.B., 221, 333; and St, Andrew,

George, Sumer orig. of n., 305 see Unicorn

George, St., of Cappadocia, of | Goat and Cross in A.B., as in HittoHittites, and England, 7, 304f.; Sumer and Pheenic., 308, 333-7,

association with England dis-| 347f.; in Hitto-Sumer and covered, 305f.; mn. of Hittite Phoenic. seals, 334, etc.; on Father-god Indara or Bel as Phoenic. coins, 346; and Daxa

slayer of Dragon by the Cross, of Vedas, 352-3; and Hittites, 305-6; legend imported into 7, 334, 345f.; and Indara, 243, A.B. by Hitto-Pheenics., 306; 251f., 334f., 346f.; and Indra, Red Cross of, figured and invoked 286, 332f., 344; Michael (Tas), in A.B., 2c4f. (see Cross); Red 333f., 346f., 352 ; and Pheenician, Cross of, in pre-Israelite Hittite 346f. ; and Resef (Michael), 350—

temple in Jerusalem, 278; festiv- 3; and Sun, 332f.; and Tascio, al of, in A.B., 306; as Heavenly 334f., 340f. ; and Thor, 320, 330 ; Husbandman, 306, 345; as Horus, and see Unicorn

Sun-god, 306; as Indara or St. | Goat horns in head-dress of Goths Andrew, 318f. ; as Geor or Gothic and Hittites, 340 ; and of Tascio,

Indri-Thor, 320 3509-3 German head-form, 134-5 Goat, name, Sumerian, 330-1, 333 Germanic “ race ’’ non-Aryan, 134f.; | Goat Fell, with Holy Isle of Goths. in Britain, 136f., 141; lang. and Stone Circles, 197, 208 derived from A.B. Gothic, 132, | God, Aryan origin of idea of One 157, 180f. Universal, and current in A.B.

Germany, colonized and civilized

by carly Britons about 950 B.c.,

237f., 241f., 258f., 264f., 28of.. 341f. ; as Alpha and Omega 252 ;

157, 186; Aryan racial elements Archangel of, in A.B., 246, 341f. in, 135,186,and see Chatti, Goth; and see Michael: Barats, the Runic mons., absent in, 189 chosen people of, 1, 262f.; as Getae or Goths, 8, 7o, etc., 301 Creator, 342f.; Cross as symbol Giants, predecessors of Brutus, in of, 289f. ; as Disease curer, 343f. ; Albion as Amorites, 153f., 160, Father-, of Hitto-Sumers, and 414; in Palestine, 414; see Pheenics. as Bil (Bel), Ia or Amorites Jahvh or Jove, or Indara (Indra, Giants’ tombs, at old Phoenician Andrew), 2, 42, 241f., 263f., 343f., sites, in A.B., 223, in Sardinia, 363 ; names of, in A.B., Gothic, 223; Stone Circles and, see Greco-Roman and Sanserit of

Hitto-Sumer origin, 244f. ; 342f. ; names in Cup-marks, 241f. ;

Stone Circles Gilian n. of Cassis in Babylonia, 71

Gioln or “‘ Hitt-ite’’ an Amorite prayers to, for Resurrection, in n. of clan of Part-olon, 32, 67f., A.B., 250f.; 343f.; in pre395 Israelite Hittite Jerusalem, 274f. ;

Glasgow, as Hittite n., 78; Cayttis’ as Rock of Ages, 342; sons of,

dyke at, 209; St. Mungo and Early Aryan title, 239, 253, 348; sacred Hire, 272 Sun as symbol of, 262f,