The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Ikar, pers. n. of Part-olon on inscrip., 32f., 50 .

Tlannu or “‘ Hittite ’’ ve Briton clan Uallaun or Wallon, and in Partolon’s title, 69; personal n. of Cassis of Babylonia, 69

Inara legend on A.B. coins, as Indara or Andrew, 317, 354

Indara, Father-god and Sun-god of Hitto-Sumers, worshipped in A.B., 13£, 239, 244f, 2501., 315f.; ve St. Andrew, 315f.; see Andrew ; or Bel, 318; as Creator, 252, 315, 320, 330; © Cross” of, is Andrew’s Cross and hammer of Thor, 315f.; as Dragon-slayer, 315f.; as Ia, Iahvh, or Jove, 242f., 318, 323f. ; as Indra, 315£., 320, and see Indra; as Induru, 323f.; as lion slayer or tamer, 326f.; name in cup-marks, 242, 244f.. Barats, chosen people of, t; Deer and, 334f.; Goats and, 251, 334f.; see Goat; as Rain and Water bestower, 245, 259, 315f. River-garlanded, 245, 324

India, Aryanized and civilized by

ADA * 1324;

Hitto-Phoenics., 6, 8-10, etc. ; Arya n. derived from HittoPheenics., 6-8, etc.; Aryan

language in, derived from HittoSumer, 6f., see Sanskrit; Barat title of ruling race in, identical with Brit-on, ,§f., r8Sf.; clan and tribal tities Barat, Cedi, Kasi, Khattiyo, Kshatriya or Khatri, Kuru, Panchala, Sakya, etc., are Hitto-Phcenic., 11-14, ete. ; epics of, as source of early Aryan

history, of. ; late civilization of,

and date, 5, 11 ; Stone Circles in relation to ancient mines in, 218 ; Vedas and Vedic gods of, derived from Hittites, 10-15, etc. and see Daxa, Indra, Maruta, Nasatya, Sura, etc,

Indo-Aryan, physical type, Nordic, 132

Indo-European or Aryan languages derived 132f.

Indo-Germanic, a misnomer for Indo-European, 132

Indo-Persian, a branch of Aryan Tace, 1360

Indra, Father-god and Sun-god of Indian Vedas, is Indara of Hitto-

from Hutto-Sumerian, |

| |

Sumers, 14, 245f., 315f., and see Indara ; as Creator of Sun, 265 ; Dragon-slaver, 315; Lion-slayer, 332 ; Goats of, 320, 332f. ; Rivergarlanded, 324; water bestower, 315; as Andrew of A.B., see Andrew

Indri, title of Gothic Father-god Thor, 265, 316

Indurn, Sumer n. for Father-god Indara, Bel or Ia (Iahvh or Jove) or Indra, worshipped in A.B. 242, 323f.; n. on A.B. coins as Inara and Ando q.v., and see Indara

Inscriptions in A.B.,seeAryan Phoenic., 1, 16f. ; Barates, cup-marks, cipher script, 255f.: Keswick, Logie and Newton Stones, Ogam, Pheenician, Sumer, 227f., 255f.; Yarrow, 79, etc., and see Coins.

Invasions of Early Britam, by Brutus about 1103 B.c., 142, 386; by Huns about 1070 B.c., 157, 386 ; by Moror Amorite Pheenics. about 2800 B.c., 415f.; by Part-olon about 395 B.c., I, 32f., 387 ; by Silvanus Alba aboutii50 B.c., 163f.

Invasion of Ireland by Part-olon about 400 B.¢., 75, 91i.

Ionic column in Hittite architect. before 1200 B.C., 334 :

Iran, Aryan meaning of n., 199

Tre-land or Irland or Erin, Aryan meaning of n., 199; aborigines of, o1f.; Fins or Fens in, o4f. ; first peopling of, 91f.; Barat place-names in, 199; Matriarchy in, 93f.; New Grange or Tara prehist. solar sculptures of, 249 ; Ogam inseripts. in, 35, 75; Part-olon king of Scots invades, 67, 74. ; Picts in, 122f. ; Serpertcult in, a4f., ro6f.; Scotia, a former n. of, 112

| Irish-Scots, trad. history books of,

g2f. Iron introd. into A.B. by Brutus (2), 183

Isca or Esk or Exe r. names as Trojan, 173f.; I. names in Britain, 173, 198, 208

Italy, Phoenician Barats in, 148f., 215; and see Sardinia

Jah, Jahvh (Jehovah) or Jove of Aryan Sumer origin of idea and N., 239, 244-6, ete.