The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Lear, king, date of, 387

Leicester, founding of, about B.C., 387

Lion, as death totem of non-Aryan aborigines, in Old World, 351° in Hitto-Pheenic. religion and representations as in A.B., 3345f.; antagonism of, with Unicorn in Brit. heraldry, meaning discovered, 320f.; antagonist of Sun-cult, of God (Indara): see Indara; sculptures of Indara (Andrew) tearing Lion, at St. Andrews, 327

Logie Stone, with votive inscription to Bel, 25 ; Ogam inscript. de-


ciphered, 356; prehistoric Hitto- |

Pheenic. sculptures en, explained, 20, 309, 355

Loki (or Lug), Gothic Lucifer, 109 ; Sumer origin of n. and function, 344i.

London early n. of, 407f. ; founding of, by Brutus, abt. 1100 B.c., 156, 175, 407f.; in Cesar’s day, 408-10 ; Gothic ships of, 408 ; moder, named after King Lud, 156, 410

Long Meg, Stone Circle, observa-°

tion stone of, 234 Lucifer, Sumer origin of n., 344 Luck, horse-shoe for, Hitto-Gothic solar reason for, 287; righthanded sun-wise direction for,

287; wood-touching for, Hitto- |

Pheenic. reason for, 312 Lunnasting, pre-Christian Cross monument, 77, 179 Lycaonia Barats (Phoenicians) of Cilicia, 55


Ma, mother, Sumer origin of n., 243, 248-9 2

Macedonia, Barat or Brito-Pheenic. colonies in ancient, 213, 405

Macedonian theory of A.B. coinage, 272f., 284

Machar, St., of Aberd een, Phcenician tutelary, 358

Magi, Sun-and Fire priests of HittoSumer, 279; carried the Cross symbol as mace, 279; n. Sumer, 279; as The Wise Men at Epiphany, 279

Magic cauldron of Van, Wans or Fenes, 93

Maiden Stones, 107


| Marriage,


Maltese Cross, Hitto-Phceenic. SunCross, 293; in Pre-Christian A.B., 295

Man-God, title of Tascio, worshipped in A.B., 243; and see Tascio

Mar, or Mer, n. for Mor-ites or Amorites, 216, 260 ; and Amorite source of Mar and Mer names in ALB., 257, etc:

Mar or Marr, prov. between Dee and Don

Marash or Marasion, Hitto-Pheenic. city in Asia Minor, 172 ; Ogamoid inscripts. at, 36, 172

Marasion or Marazion, nu. of town at Pheenic. tin-port in Cornwall, 172f., 281

Marches, riding of, re city-states, 209

Mar-duk, Hitto-Sumer deity, worshipped in A.B., 250f., 343, and see Tascio-Michael

Market Crosses, of pre-Christian Hitto-Pheenic. origin

introduced by Aryan Hitto-Sumers, 123

Marru, variant of Mar, Muru or Amorite, 216, etc.

Martin, v. Morite or Amorite, 217

Martu, variant of Mar or Amorite,

216, 243 Maruta, or Marutu, variant of Mar or <Amorite, 216, 243, 343;

identical in Vedic Sanscrit for s€a-going storm spirits and Sunworshippers, 243

Mascots in A.B., see Animals, sacred

Matriarchy of aborigines, in Albion, 97, 103 ; in continental Europe, 1o3; in Ireland, 92f.; of Picts, 87f., 123; of Vans or Wans or Fins, 93f., 98, 103f.; in Wales, 96

Matrilinear succession among aborigines in A.B., r22f.

Mauretania, as ‘“‘ Land of Maruts ”’ or Amorite Pheenicians, 216; Catti and Cassi place-names in, see map

May (Maia), mother-goddess of aborigines, Sumer n., 243, 249; May Day alignments in Stone Circles, 226, 234; May Day transfer of Bel-Fire rites, 271

Mazda, Ahura-, or Hor-mazd, n. of Sumer origin, 242

Mediterranean, race or Iberians, in A.B., 134-6; Pheenic. and Barat