The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Sarmatians as proto-Germans, 139

Satan of Hitto-Sumers, as Loki or Lucifer, 344

Saxons as Sac, Scyths or Goths, 331; as branch of Britons, 186; n. has battle-axe symbol Khat or Zag for Catti or Scyth, 320

Scandinavians or Sit(-ones) as Cati or Catti Goths, 186

Scot, meaning of n. discovered, as Nat or Khat (or “ Cutter, Scotcher’’ or ‘“ Axe-Sceptre Wielder,”’ ?.e., rulers), 8, 200, 209, 290, 294-6(4), 305, 320f.; dialectic variants of, Cat, Caith, Catti, Cet, Ceti, Got or Goth, Hat, Het, Hit, Khat, Keith, Kit, Scyth, Shet, Sit, Nat, Zet, see these names ; as Ecossais or Cassi, 4of.

Scotia, n. for Ireland, 122

Scotland for N.P., late origin and date of n., 113

Scots, properly so-called (Aryan) relatively few, 371; modem socalled, largely mixed and nonAryan, 374; identity with Cassi and Catti Aryans, 34; first appear. under n., in classic hist., 112; in Scotland abt. 400 B.c., 34, 81f.,, ete.; in prehistoric England as Catti, (g.v.); as civilizers of Ireland, orf. ; Pheenic. orig. of, 39, 67f., etc.: relations of, with Picts., 89f.

Script, Aryan, 27f.; Aryan Pheenician, 26f.; Ogam as HittoPhoenician, 35f. ; Runic or Gothic in Britain and Scandinavia, 178, 180, and absent in Germany, 180 ; Semitic Phoenic., 27, 33: Sumerian as proto-Aryan, 27f.

Scyths or Skuth-oi, as Goths,8, 322f.Indo-, Gothic arch of, 2nd cent. A.D., 70 ; St. Andrew, apostle and patron saint of, 315f.

Sea-faring aptitude of Phcenics. inherited by Britons, 383 ; -ports of Phoenics., 44, etc.

Segon, Segon or Segonti, A.B. clan, worshippers of Hercules, 44: coins of, 261, 39

Seal-eylinders, sacred, of HittoSumers and Phoenics. as sources of A.B. history, 244f.: with Cross and Sun symbols on wrists of dead, as amulets for resurrec-

on paralleled in A.B., 254.


Selgove, A.B. tribe of Galloway as Cilician Phoenics., 44, 97 Selsey, Phoenic. inscribed coin of, 43-4, 174 ; Serpent, as totem of pre-Briton aborigines of Albion and Ireland, 106f., 125, 183 ; of Picts, 119, 124: of Vans, Wans or Finns, 94, 1o4f. ; -rod, see Caduceus; St. Brigit and, 106; St. Patrick and, 106, 328; symbol of Death, 311 Settlements of Early Britons separate from aborigines, 203-4 Shap, Stone Circles of, 225, 234 Shepherd, title of early Aryan kings, and n. of Sumer origin, 262 Shet-land, meaning of n., 77, 200; Khatti or Xatti inscripts. at, 77, 209

Ships, hundred-oar, of early Phoenic., 13 ; Brutus’ fleet of, 152; Part-olon’s fleet of, 78;

Pheenician fleets of, 387; Long, of Briton Goths, 408

Sibyl, Sumer origin of n., 243, 248

Sidon, Arianism (Gothic) of Early Christians at, 323 ; Coast of Tyre and S., visited by Christ with miracle, 323 ; followers of Christ from Tyre and, 323 ; Phoenicians accompany Brutus to Albion, 160; Sts. Andrew and Peter of(?), 322

Sig, Gothic n. for Father-god, from Sumer, 244, 330

Silchester, cap. of Segonti tribe with Hercules mon., 44

Silik title of Cilician Pheenics., 42 ; equivalents in A.B., 42f.

Silures A.B. tribe ve Pheenics., 50-1

Silvius Alba, dominates Albion about 1150 B.c., 162.

Sit-ones, n. for Scandinavians, 186

| Skin-clad aborig. of Albion, T13, 168

Skiri-J6n, Gothic n. for John-theBaptist, 273

Sles-wick (of Angles and Jutes) as Pheenic. colony, 44

Sol, n. for Sun, derived from Sun: er, 242, 247, 412

Solar cult, symbols, etc., see Sun

Solomon’s temple, Phcenic. Bel pillars of, 276; Sun-worship in, 276f.

Somerset ve Sumers, 195, 208

Solstice, mid-summer, and Bel-Fire festivals in A.B., 225; Stone Circles as observatories for fixing date of, 225f.