The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe, page 290


common enemy. Placed near Germany, they ean successfully resist their pressure and safeguard their own national freedom and existence only if they are united in one form or another. Bohemia, freed from the German grasp, will quickly develop the marvellous resources of her soil, and thanks to the brilliant gifts of her population she will soon attain a high rank among European nations. Prague will again be what it was before the German conquest : a capital of science, art and the humanities. But a prosperous, strong and independent Hungary will be the natural and most desirable ally of Bohemia. The Magyars, once freed from their oligarchy and cured of their overwhelming desire to dominate others, whilst enthralling themselves to Germany, will understand that the small neighbouring nations are the best guarantee of their own liberty. Notwithstanding national antagonisms and jealousies which estranged them, the social relations between the Southern Slavs and the Magyars always had a feature of cordiality and mutual respect. When after so much vain and purposeless fighting they will meet on the basis of equality, the better impulses of their nature will come forward and they will remember those glorious pages in their history when side by side they fought so gallantly for freedom and Christianity. The Magyars will understand that the vainglorious paradings in the streets of Budapest with the flags and coats of arms of the con274