The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity

simultaneously—as an actual and historic statement of the same truth.*

It may, however, have been particularly startling to some to hear the Son, the Logos, referred to as having been responsible for the “Sin Primordial and Eternal which is the Fall of Man’. And this may serve to illustrate the sort of paradox which our thinkin must be prepared for. In the cosmic sense it is true that the fall of Man is his divine attainment of Reason

‘For the eternal Logos is the eternal determination and therefore the eternal determinism; and the evil and terrible dominant of Cosmicand human existence, Fate, is only the omnipresence of the defining, shaping, determining Logos of God. For the System of things and the Eternal Reason are the basis and the everlasting stronghold of Destiny. Necessity is Force. Force is evil. Evil is the antithesis of Good and the condition of it. Force is the antithesis of Love and the condition of it. There is no other Satan in the infinite existence except the infinite but finiting Son himself, the awareness and reason of the Eternal Father. There must be necessity and logic in the world. There must be destiny. Destiny being, as it is, nothing else than the frame of Necessity within which creation or manifestation can alone take place, is the instrumental cause and the very modality of all existence. The very Infinite itself becomes the Creator, the Awareness and the Life only when it imposes limitation and finiteness upon itself, and becomes the Universe.’

This introduces us to another expression of the Eternal Trinity, as the three dominants which pervade all evolution and also, as Fabre d’Olivet' has shown, history.

‘They are the Providence of God, the Destiny of Things and the Freewill of Man himself. And they are equally universal, and equally almighty in their respective aspects, the Absolute alone

eing more universal and final. Providence is what ought to be, Destiny is what must be. Destiny is that mode of existence, that side of Reality, which formally and automatically determines the form of things and processes. Providence decrees values and meanings, needs and purposes and is not merely formal and automatically necessary, but is dynamic and substantive, truly

1 In his book ‘Histoire Philosophique du Genre Humain.’