The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity, page 24

Redeemer. The human whole, the world’s whole, therefore, must pass through the same process of theophany. Even the cosmic whole must pass through the same process of theophany. Impersonation, individuality is this process. The human whole, every spirit, must pass into the state of the Holy Spirit itself; of Sophia.

“This world-saving aeon of superhumanity is the initiation of all, is the lifting of democratic humanity into socialist humanity and the lifting of socialist humanity into seraphic humanity. For democracy and liberalism were a great emancipation of human souls. Socialism and individualism are a still greater emancipation. Cosmic consciousness, seraphic transfiguration, will, however, be an emancipation yet greater. Our Aeon, the cosmic cause of our terrible crisis, bears witness to the need of the Eternal to become flesh in Universal Humanity, to reach supra-humanness in all men. Our time is the coming of age of Man, the era of freedom and consciousness, of maturity and responsibility. Our age is the merging of cosmic evolution into the history of humanity. From now onwards freedom, personality and consciousness will grow on earth, and the joy and fury of the spirit will become

the very norm of living.’