The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity

and is understood now, but the Christ-Mystery has in itself this power of development towards Sophia. We shall close with a longer quotation from Mitrinovié’s works, showing in some aspects how he foresaw the incarnation of Sophia in our world and in human life; and also going more closely into the relationship of Sophia to the Logos.

‘Our generation is that one of human generations whose destiny is to become collectively and generally conscious. Our age is the entrance of the Universal Socialism of Humanity into. both the history of mankind and its evolution. Nothing less, not anything less. But by Socialism we do not mean any particular system of organisation, dictatorial or anarchist, but a self-ordering of man based on the nature of the individual and collective soul of mankind. Far from being a life plebeian or vulgar, Socialism is the dispensation of a life elevated, life seraphic and resurrected.

‘The incarnation of Universal Humanity on earth is a mystery equal in abysmal greatness to the appearance of the Logoic incarnation in the world. Humanity as a kingdom feels the need of supra-humanness. For Universal Humanity is the goal of mankind. The world is in need of its own organic functioning, of its own organism. And in the problem of the organic wholeness of the world all the problems of classes, races, sexes, even of individuals are included.

‘The holy throes of the globe today are the pangs of the acon of Personality and Consciousness, the crisis, the tension, the vortex of the Sophian incarnation. For Christ means consciousness. Incarnation means personality. The Redeemer was the primary and central incarnation of humanness and personality, the historic appearance of the Universal Man. Jesus the Messiah is and was and will remain the personification and embodiment of the human essence, of the cosmic essence of humanity. Consciousness and personality are the essence of Universal Humanity. But the appearance of the Universal Man on the plane of history is only the anthropogenetic fulfilment of its periphery and its content. Logos is the centre and the form. Sophia is the periphery and the content of the Divine Mystery. Universal Humanity itself, the human ocean, is however the content of the Logos. Jesus is only the centre of the world. Humanity is His content. Sophia is the content of the