The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Lemming, 548, 599, 604. Lemonade and poisoning, 640 Lemon-juice as a cure for scurvy,


Lemur, 111, 471, 479

Leopard, 236

Lepadocrinus, 417

Lepidodendron, 442, 443

Lepidonotus, 138

Lepismina, 705

Leptodora, 539

Leptomonas, 596

Leucocytes, 59, 60

Levick, Dr. G. Murray, 752, 753

Levitation, 842-845, 842, 843

Liana, 545

Lice, 628

Lichen, 176-178, 558, 587, 178

Liebig, Justus von, Baron (18031873), 612, 616

Life, after death, 852-853 ; before fossils, 401-409 ; conquers the dry land, 426-446 ; distinctive features of, 4-6; earliest, 401 ; evolution of, diagram, 411; in fresh water and on land, 5315543 in the sea, 7, 508-530 ; length of, 89; limitation in space of, 6-7 ; meaning of, 3-6 ; of flowing waters, 534-537; of standing waters, 537-540; on floor of the sea, 523-524, 524; on other planets, 8; on seashore, 524-527, 526 ; on surface of the sea, 512-516 ; origin of, 394-396 ; oxidation and, 23; subjective side of, 9-10, 760763 ; the ascent of, 411; under control, 607-617, 878-880 ; vegetable, 154-166

Life-communities, 581-606 ; growth and development of, 584-589 ; grading of, 589-593 ;_ parallelism and variety of, 581-584

Life Force, 384-385

Ligaments, 24, 33

Light, and plant growth, 154-157, 680 ; fascination of, for insects, 681; its influence on amceba, 665; on earth worm, 666; on lancelet, 666; its penetration into water, 520. See Animal light, Ultra-violet light

Ligia, 416

Lignin, 428

Lignite, 437

Limax amoeba, 168

Limbs, evolution of segmental, 408 ; movements of, 26

Limestone, 200 ; biological origin of, 171

Limicole, 368

Limnodrilus, 535

Limnoria, 529

Limpet, 667; lava of, 513

Limulus, 416

Ling, common, 559

Lingula, 143

Linnzus, Carl von (1707-1778), 130, 261

Lion, 236, 471

Lister, Lord (1827-1912), 613, 632

Lithographic stone, 212

Litopterna, 211, 240, 483, 237, 471

“ Little Joss” wheat, 304


Littoral zone, 512

Liver, 42, 56, 644, 27; and the manufacture of anti-toxins, 630 ; of lobster, 122

Liver-cell, human, 567, 568

Liver-fluke, 140, 146, 555, 141

Lizard, 564; flying, 454 ; green, 114

Lizard Point, 491

Lizards, evolution of, 449

Llama, 110, 256, 244

Loach, 536

Lobster, 120-123, 145, 121, 564

Lobster-moth caterpillar, 576

Lobworm, 137

Lockjaw, 623

Locust, 219; plagues, 598, 599 ; tree, 590

Lodge, Sir Oliver, 845, 851

Loeb, Jacques, 275, 613, 680, 681

Lomechusa, 707

London, 469, 625, 626

— clay, 195, 469

— Pride, 491

Lophius, 521, 515

Louisiana, 750

Louisville, 487

Lower Cambrian period, 418

— Carboniferous period, 441

— Devonian period, 416, 424, 436, 429

— Eocene period, 483

— Oligocene period, 483

Loxomma, 449

Lucretius, 263

Lugworm, 137, 138, 408

Luidia, 135, 565

Lumbriculus, 275, 535

Luminosity in the deep sea, 521522, 521

Lung-fish, 244, 425, 438, 440, 729

Lungs, 26, 27 ; heart and, 653-655

Lupin, 558

Lyginopteris, 435, 214

Lymantria, 348

— dispar, 610

Lymph, 39

Lymphatic system, 40

Lynx, 601


Macaque, 755

Machzrodus, 384

Macrauchenia, 237, 471

Macro-feeders, 504

Madagascar, 231, 273, 444

Madeira, 520, 550

Madreporite, 134

Maeterlinck, Maurice, 709

Magdalenian culture, 494-495

Magnolia, 469

Magnus, Olaus, 599

Magpie, 753

Maidenhair-tree, 225, 420

Malaria, 600, 612, 623, 625, 626, 630, 633, 653 ; parasite of, 568, 626, 627

Malaya, 188, 243, 244, 304, 444, 544, 557

Mallory, G. L., 6

Malta, 551

— fever, bacterium of, 568

Malthus, Thomas Robert (17661834), 262

Mammals, 109 ; brain in, 733, 767 ;


classification of, 109 ; courtship in, 741-742; education in, 747-748 ; evolution of, 470475; 420, 449, 471 ; evolution of intelligence in, 733-734, 742747; extinct South American, 237 ; length of the Age of, 257 ; of Australia, 110, 235; periodicity of northern, 669 ; placental, 110, 471; play in, 749; pouched, 109; smallest, 112; typical African, 235

Mammoth, 200, 487, 495

— cave, Kentucky, 551

Man, anatomy and physiology of, 24-102 ; biological peculiarities of, 857-865, 876; brain of, 764-769 ; embryo of, 93-96, 94, 223, 251; evolution of, 247-258, 481-495, 471, 479; fossil (See Homo Eoanthropus, Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus), hand of, 249 ; heredity in, 298300, 343 ; physical health of, 621622, 653, 657-658; place in nature, 247-250 ; place in time, 255-258 ; place of origin, 484 ; races of, 863-864; rate of increase of, 873-876; tail in, 28, 94; vestigial organs in, 253

Manatee, I11

Mangabey, 755

Mangroves, 529

Mania, 816-817

Manic-depressive insanity, 816

Manna-lichen, 177

Maple, 469, 590

Maquis scrub, 590

Marble, 200

Marmoset, 238 ; brain of, 767

Marquis wheat, 615

Marriage, 860-862 ; of cousins, 306

Mars, life on, 8

Marsh fever, 625

Marsupials, 109, 110, 472, 449; colonization in Australia, 239

Mastodon, 383

Mastodonsaurus, 442, 449

Materialization, 841-851, 846, 847, 848

Maternal impressions, 311

Matthew, Dr. W. D., 472

Mauritius, 550

Maximilian I (1459-1519), 299

Meals, 639, 640

Measles, 625, 630, 653

Mediterranean, 152, 489, 519, 520, 55 .

Mediumship, automatism and, 805806 Mediums, in spiritualism, 805, 842851 Medlar, 279

Medusa, 147, 148, 147

Megatherium, 241, 237

Melampyrum, 557

Melancholia, 817

Melanesia, 348

Melanogaster, 303

Melilot, white, 587

Melosira, 595

Membracide, 574

Mendel, Abbé, Johann Gregor (1822-1884), 14, 264, 266, 2g02g1 889