The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Mendel’s laws, 160, 290, 291-297, 308-310

Merychippus, 208, 209, 224, 203, 204

Mesmerism, 851

Mesohippus, 208, 203, 204

Mesolithic Age, 494

Mesopotamia, 489

Mesozoic era, 196, 445, 446, 452, 405, 468, 469, 198, 392

Mespilus, 279

Messor, 703

Metamorphic rocks, 200

Metchnikoy, Ilya (1845-1916), 89

Metopina, 705-706

Metridium, 151

Metriorhynchus, 452

-Mexico, 541

Micraster, 210, 211

Microbe-carriers, insects as, 625630 Microbes, 167, 170, 181; and disease, 622-625 ; avoiding and killing, 631-633 ; carried in the air, 647-648 ; harmless, 623 ; in crowded and open places, 647-648. See Bacteria

Microbrachis, 442

Micrococcus, 568

Micro-feeders, 504

Microscope of A. van Leeuvenhoek, 12: of Robert Hooke, 13 ; development of, 13

Microscopists, early, 324

Mid-brain, 722, 722, 724, 729

Middle Cambrian period, 412

— Carboniferous period, 416

— Devonian period, 425, 426, 428, 434, 436, 440

— Eocene period, 474

— Jurassic period, 462

— Ordovician period, 424

— Pliocene period, 483

— Stone Age, 494

Migration, of birds, 490, 601-602 ; of butterflies, 604; of caribou, 490; of fox sparrow, 490; of lemmings, 599; of locusts, 599; of mammals, 238-240, 490; 491, 744-745; of salmon,


Milk: 109, 614; and cancer, 640 ; and internal secretion, 97 ; contamination of, 640; longevity and soured, 89 ; model farms for preparation of Grade A, 641 ; why it turns sour, 183

Milkwort, 230

Miller, Hugh (1802-1856), 415

Miller’s thumb, 536

Millipede, 128-129

Mimeciton, 706

Mimicry, 573-577, 576 ; 577; Mullerian, 577

Mimosa pudica, 157

426, 461, 593;

197, 421, 457, 458, 472, 476,


Mind, collective, 877; drugs and the, 824-826; human, 787826; in gear and out of gear, 814-821 ; in insects, 689-695 ; individual variation in man, 821-826; of a dog, 77132, 7745. 776-7775 778 779; 780-786 ; of

amphibia, 728-730; of a fish,



of reptiles, birds and

725-728 5 See Beha-

mammals, 730-735. viour, Consciousness Minnow, 536 Miocene Age, 196, 469, 470, 472, 474, 483, 486, 857, 198, 208, 471

Miohippus, 209

Mirabeau, Count Honoré Gabriel Riquetti (1749-1791), 825

Mirabilis jalapa, 292, 294, 296, 293

Miracidium, 141, 141

Missing links in evolution, 211-215

Mississippi, the, 194

Mites, 126

Mitosis, 283

Moa, 550

Mocking-bird, 374, 748

Modern Era, 468-480

Meeritherium, 471

Mola, 514

Mole, 111, 471

Molluscoidea, 143

Molluscs, 130-134, 521, evolution of, 418-422 ; system of, 678

Monarch butterfly, 573

Mongolia, 206, 460, 472, 473, 475

Mongolian Desert, 203

Mongoose, 608

Monitor, 114.

Monkey, Humboldt’s Woolly, 238

Monkey-puzzle tree, 469

Monkeys, 108 ; behaviour of, 753759. See Apes

Monotremes, 109, 449

Moods, self-knowledge and, 831832 Moropus, 471

Mosasaur, 114, 451, 449, 452

Mosquito, 600, 612, 219, 626; malaria-carrying, 626, 628, 629

Moss sperm, 164

564 ;


Mosses, 162-166, 587, 156, 164, 165, 432

Moth, cinnabar, 578; gold-tail, 682; Poplar Hawk, 219;

‘Vapourer, 221 Moths, and light, 680 ; 361 ; smell in, 694 Moulds, 579, 175 Mountain-chough, 550 Mountains, life on, 6, 549 Mount Everest, animal and plant life on, 549 Mouse, 110, 598, 21, 565 ; of, 273, 294 Mousterian culture, 493 Mouth, digestion in, 51 ; of, 404. Mud-hopper, 440, 440 Mulatto, 299 Miillerian mimicry, 577 Multiple genes, 299, 369 sqq. Multiple emonalides! 798-801 Multituberculates, 470, ‘449 Murray, Prof. Gilbert, 840 Muscles, 24-26, 70, 664, 670; of the forearm, 27; of a frog, 70 Mushrooms, 173, 175, 403 Musk ox, 236, 548, 358 Mutation, 290, 350-352; in Chinese Primrose, 35! ; in Drosophila, 351, 302, 303, 351 ; in Evening Primrose, 352; in moths, 361 5

melanism in,





induced by X-rays, steadiness of, 352

Mycetozoa, 178

Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843-1901), 844

Mynah, 748

Myriapoda, 128

Myrmecocystis, 702

Myrmica, 706

Mysis, 595

Myxoedema, 100

360-361 ;

Myxomycetes, 178. See Slime, Fungi N NaGana disease, 556 Naias, 538

Nanno-plankton, 510

Naosaurus, 449

Natural selection, 263, 364-367 ; as a conservative force, 367369; in action, 369; may be useless to species, 371-373; not acting on man, 874; under changing conditions, 369-372

Nauplius larva, 513

Nautilus, 421, 422, 514, 420 INewicales 595 Neanderthal man. See Homo

Nectar, 158

Nemathelminthes, 138

Nematophycus, 429

Nemertine worms, 142, 513

Neo-Lamarckism, 262, 265

Neolithic Age, 11, 494

Neo-Malthusianism, 262

Neopallium, 734

Neo-salvarsan, 633

Nereis, 138, 408 ; larva of, 513

Nerve fibres, 68, 69, 68, 69

Nerves, 26, 68 ; function of, 68-70, 776; impulses in, 664; structure of, 68—7o

Nervous impulses, 69

Nervous system, 26, 68-71, 84-87, 405, 721 : central, 68; dev elopment of, in embryo, 720-726 ; evolution of, 404, 672— 678 ; in lower animals, 720-7 26 : in vertebrates, 720-735. See Brain,

Nerves Nest of ants, 700 ; of termites, 709 Neurasthenia, in dogs, 786; in

man, 806-807 Nevada, mouse plague in, 598 New England, 488, 612 — Guinea, 109, 236, 544 — Hebrides, 348 New Stone Age, 494 — York, 488, 629 — Zealand, 231, 237, 238, 243, 550;

5513.552, 606, 609, 610, 614 Newt, 115, 315, 729-730; 315; evolution of, 449; poison of,


Nicotine, 642

Night-blindness, 343

Nightjar, European, 740

Nightjar, South American, 569, 570

Nile valley, 489, 540

Nipa palm, 469

Nitre, 616

Nitrogen, cycle, 184, 579-581 ; fixation, 184, 558; in blood, 35 ; in proteins, 48