Bitef, 01. 01. 1969., S. 9


povodom trećeg bitefa

Sa Trećim Bitefom Beograd je dobio stalni pozorišni festival. Svakog septembra u glavnom gradu Jugoslavije održavaće se smotra svetskih pozorišta u potrazi za novim pozorišnim tendencijama. Formula novih pozorišnih tendencija nije unapred poznata niti ijedna pozorišna tendencija ¡ma apsolutnu novost koja bi hila po svojoj vrednosti a priori iznad drugih pozorišnih novosti. Samo u konfrontaciji moguóno ¡e da se jedna generacija opredeli za onu tendenciju koja najviše odgovara njenom uvek novom senzibilitetu. Bitef nije pre svega smotra dobrih i najboljih predstava, već onih pozorišnih dogadaja u svetu koje u pojedinim zemljama otkrivaju nove puteve. Katkada ta otkrića nèmaju savršenu formu, ali imaju novi ili su bar nagoveštaj novih sadržaja.

I pored toga Bitef nije festival isključivo avangardnih pozorišta. Takvs formula bila bi preuska i isključivala bi sa festivals niz pozorišta koja za novim vrednostima tragaju u prividno poznatoj formi.

I pored toga ove godine će na Bitefu biti otkupljen veći broj predstava koje će se nekima učiniti ekstremne ■ — jačim izrazom, sasvim razbijenim prostorom za igru, otkrivanjem ljudskog tela, izlaskom na ulice grada ili pokušajem dramskog pozorišta bez reči. Takva je umetnost na pragu 70-tih godina našeg veka i bez takvih predstava morali bismo se odreći želje da Bitef okupi nove pozorišne tendencije našeg vremena.

Bitef i datje treba da bude otvorenih vrata za sva pozorišta sveta bez obzira sa koje strane ona dolazila. Učešće nije reprezentativno. Svako pozorište pre svega predstavlja sebe. Ipak Bitef želi da svake godine predstavi pozorišne kulture manje poznate ili sasvim nepoznate našoj publici. Tako ove godine prvi put na Bitefu učestvuje jedna italijanska trapa, a prvi put gostuju u našoj zemlji pozorišta iz Švedske i Španije.

on the occasion of bitef III

With the Third BITEF, Belgrade has acquired a permanent theatre festival. Each September, in the capital of Yugoslavia, an encounter of theaters from all over the world will be organized in search for new theatrical tendencies.

There is no set form of new theatrical tendencies, neither can any one theatrical stream contain absolute novelty which would in itself have a value which is a priori above other novelties In treatre.

Only a confrontation can make it possible for a generation to make up their mind about which tendency will best correspond to their own new sensibility. BITEF is not primarily an encouter of good and the best performances, but of such theatrical events in the world discover new paths in various countries. Some times these discoveries do not have a perfect form, but they have, or at least suggest, new contents. Nevertheless, BITEF is not a festival of exclusively avantgarde theatres. Such a definition would be too narrow and would exclude from the festival a number of theatres which search for new values under seemingly well known forms.

Ftowever, this year’s BITEF will, all the same, gather a good number of performances which will, to some people, seem extreme due to a stronger expression, broken-up performing space, uncovering of naked human body, going out to play in the streets or an experimenting with drama theatre without a single word. Such is the art of the late '6O, and without such performances we would have to renounce our wish to gather at BITEF new theatrical tendencies of our time.

The doors of BITEF should remain opened to theaters of the whole world, no matter from which side of the world they come. Participation is not representative. Each theatre primarily represents itself. However, BITEF would each year like to present theatrical cultures scarcely known or completely unklown to our audience. Thus, this year for the first time BITEF includes participation of an Italian troup, and theatres from Sweden and Spain will for the first time be seen in Yugoslavia.