A B C of modern socialism


WHETHER it be due to its use in science or merely to euphony, it is unfortunately true that the word “function,” as applied to industry, has a somewhat confusing effect upon the reader. Yet it was in current use even in Tudor days, before the scientists seized it for their own specific purposes. There is no other word in the language with a precisely similar meaning; so we speak of “Functional Socialism” because we must.

The root idea of function is action, and, by inference, appropriate action. In biology we speak of the functioning of the body. These functions are not disconnected or ill-regulated actions of the members and parts of the body; on the contrary, they must act in harmony, or cause pain and disease. If we picture the human body as a commonwealth in itself, we can easily imagine a riot or perhaps a revolution amongst the majority of its members if others do not play fair; or if they are unduly favoured. Biologically considered, the thought is inconceivable. Nature in all its ways is equalitarian. Function is its instrument of equality. The heart might claim to be more important than the little toe, as doubtless it is; but if somebody