A B C of modern socialism

25 cynical view. They will say that riches will only bring a refined philosophy of the pig-trough. Damned fools! History tells too much of human arrogance and vainglory, too much of the gaudy glitter of Court life, too much of martial pomp and circumstance; but it also tells of patient research, of persistent groping for the good, the true and the beautiful. ‘“‘We needs must love the highest when we see it,” sang the Victorian poet. “And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me,” is a saying ascribed to Christ. There cannot be the least doubt that good taste will grow by what it feeds on. Thus, in an age of abundance, we have every teason to expect an altogether higher form of life, bringing with it new conceptions of truth and beauty, with a revolutionised code of social conduct.