A B C of modern socialism


SO now we can see the sovereign House of Commons, the ultimate authority of citizenship, devolving upon the House of Industry the co-ordinated industrial functions, and upon the House of Culture the cultural functions. The question instantly arises: How are these three Estates of the Realm related?

There are two cardinal considerations: (a) the authority of the Commons, and through them of the State; and (0) the obvious fact, whereas both State and House of Culture are spending bodies, it is the House of Industry that creates the wealth the others consume. The logic of this is that the State Exchequer must look to the House of Industry both for State expenditure and the requirements of the House of Culture. At the first blush, being still obsessed with a capitalist mentality, we might imagine that real power rests with the House of Industry. And so it would if that mentality persisted; but we are already agreed, not only upon the fundamental equality of all functions, but also that function is not an end in itself, but the means to the end. Naturally we will insist upon efficient machinery; but what concerns us is the