A B C of modern socialism

37 harvest and its equitable distribution. If the House of Industry were to exploit its monopoly of production, it would be proof of recidivism, a falling back into obsolete capitalism. Such a concept is, of course, absurd; ex hypothest, each producer is also a consumer and primarily interested in production, that he can increase consumption both in quantity and quality. In a state of scarcity we look with anxiety to production. Not now, however, with scarcity overcome, we think, at long last, in terms of consumption. Production becomes our willing servant. Is it not one of the most amazing of moral phenomena that capitalism is still permitted to deny supplies to natural demand?

Eminent Domain

Let us return to the relations of these three Estates of the Realm. Whatever the archaic or legal jargon in which it is clothed, the substantial truth is that the House of Commons, as the national trustee, inherits and defines “‘eminent domain.” The English-speaking peoples (due largely to their Puritan strain) have developed individual liberty to a higher degree than others; nevertheless, in the ultimate analysis and in given circumstances, the individual’s life and property are subject to the dangers and urgencies of the community. No question, then, can arise as to the sovereign power oi the Commons. Citizenship is not only our common denominator, it is our shield and buckler.

How then are we to reconcile the exercise of citizenship, in its myriad forms, by the House of Commons, with the democratic and autonomous