Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



неправовые проблемы управления, должна обрашать внимания ина недостатки в организации и методах работы управления. Автор присоединяется к точке зрения, по которой наука административного права и наука об управлении не противостоят одна другой, а взаимно дополняются.

SUMMARY The Relation of Administrative Law and Administrative Science In view that administrative science is taking root in the world, the author reviews its development in the world literature, in particular in France, Great Britain, USA and USSR, pointing the interrelation of the administrative law science and administrative science in the cited countries. He comments the basic approaches on the subject of administrative science in the world literature and in the Yugoslav administrative science. He supports the standpoint taking that the administrative science cannot be a sum and a mosaic of the knowledge on administration from the various scientific disciplines, but an integral discipline with the task to contribute to an overall study of administration in order to find a better organization or to secure a higher efficiency in order that administration renders better services to man and society. In view of that, the administrative law science is a positive juristic science it is indispensable that the administrative science should take up non-juristic problems of administration, i.e. it should study the entire process of organization and government in general, and of public administration in particular. Administrative law science contributes to a greater safeguard of the legality and to the protection of the rights of citizens and working ogranizations, while the administrative science studying non-juristic problems of administration should point out the shortcomings in organization and methods of administration. The author supports the standpoint according to which the administrative law science and the administrative science are not opposing but complementing each other.

RESUME Le rapport entre le droit administratif et la Science administrative Etant donné l’affirmation croissante de la Science administrative dans le monde, l’auteur présente le développement de cette science dans la litérature mondiale notamment en France, en Grande-Bretagne, aux USA et en URSS, indiquant le rapport mutuel existant entre la Science de droit administratif et la Science administrative dans ces pays. Il expose les principales vues sur la matière de la Science administrative dans la littérature mondiale ainsi que dans la Science administrative yougoslave. 11 se prononce pour le point de vue selon lequel la Science administrative ne doit pas être une somme et une mozaique des connaissances relatives à l’administration dans les différentes disciplines scientifiques, mais une discipline scientifique unique ayant pour but de contribuer, par l'intégration de toutes les connais-