Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu


CONTENTS ARTICLES Dr Valimir Vasić: The role of the socio-political communities in the integration of the Yugoslav economy 1 Dr Mehmed Begović: Our terms the Turkish mining legislation from the XVth and XVlth centuries ■— 19 Dr Borislav T. Blagojević: The question of risk and responsibility in the contracts for research work (Contract de Recherche) 27 Hans Minderer: Problems of the personality of perpetrator in the Criminal Law of the German Democratic Republic 41 Dr Ruzica Guzina: Some postwar appreciations of Svetozar Marković’s ideas and socialist movement 57 Dr Dragai Denković: The current theory of modern French administrative law and demands for the transformation of administration 71 Dr Obren Stanković: Sharing of fruits between the owner and usufructuary 83 Dr Momir Milosevic: Human rights and racial discrimination 91 CONTRIBUTIONS Tibor Varadi: From the Mediaeval to the modern Lex mercatoria 109 Petar Suković: A contribution to the definition of the concept and subject of common property of spouses —■ 120 Dragoš Jevtić: The views of the Serbian oposition civil parties in 1918 on the solution of the Yugoslav problem —•— 130 Stanko Pihler: Analogy in the criminal law 147 DISCUSSION Dr Aleksandar Baltic: Kinship (close) as an obstacle to entering into labour relations 158 Dr Mirjana Jovanović: The concept of divorce in the Familiy Code 165 COURT PRACTICE Dr Borivoje Poznić: Notes to the Collection of Court Decisions in 1968 and 1969 ______________ 172 REVIEWS Dr Radomir Lukić: Andrija Gams, The Bible in the Light of Social Struggles —•— —■ 188 Dr Dragai Denković: Revue de L’Est - 190 Jasmina Jovanović: Doucouloux-Favard Claude, Les Sociétés anonymes en droit français 191 Marijana Ivković: Mahatma Gandi, Struggle by non-violence 194 Dr Obrad Stanojević: I. Surguladze, History of State and Law of Gruzia, Translation and edition Miloš Tasić, Belgrade, 1971, - 197