Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu

Анализируя начала правовой системы, в первую очередь начала, заложенные в Общие условия товарообращения и сравнивая оба начала с принятыми санкциями за неуказание с точностью обстоятельств, имеющих значение для размера риска, автор утверждает, что обстоятельство принятия заявки на заключение договора страхования не означает и обязанность страховой организации придерживаться договора в случаях, когда страхователь умолчал или неверно определил обстоятельства, влияющие на размер риска, возмещаемого страховым обеспечением.

SUMMARY Failure to Report Circumstances for Assessing Weight of Risk The author is considering the standpoint according to which the Yugoslav insurance system, established in 1968 by the Basic Law of Insurance and Insuring Organizations, poses the question of an eventual revision of the solutions sanctioned by the legal rules applied from the regulations formerly valid in the territory of Yugoslavia, and conditions of insurance regulating the matter of legal consequences in case the insuree fails to report consequences important for assessing the weight of risk for the insurance contract (i.e. the right to break contract of refuse payment of compensation owing to invalidity of such a contract). The norms raising the problem of the revision of adopted propositions are the norm according to which insurance is an activity of special social interest (Article 3, para 2) and the provision under which the category of insurance is an activity of special interest and consequently, insurance institutes are given a specific status committing them to accept any offter for insurance contract under conditions valid for the respective kind of insurance (Article 10, para 2). By analyzing the principles of the legal system, first of all the principles contained in the General usances for Commodity Trade and comparing these principles with the adopted sanctions for failure to report circumstances bearing on the weight of risk, the author proves that the obligation resulting from the offer to make an insurance contract does not imply obligation of the insurance institution to stick to the contract under which the party contracting insurance kept secret or gave a false statement of the circumstances bearing on the weight of the risk covered by insurance.

RÉSUMÉ Omission de faire la déclaration exacte des circonstances pour l’estimation de la gravité des risques Dans cet article l’auteur examine le point de vue selon lequel le système d’assurance yougoslave, introduit en 1968 par l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi fondamentale sur les assurances et les organisations d’assurance, pose la question de la révizion éventuelle des décisions adoptées par les règles de droit qui sont appliquées en vertu des prescriptions qui étaient auparavant en vigueur sur le territoire de la Yugoslavie et les conditions d’assurance, qui règlent la matière des conséquences juridiques de l’omission du devoir de l’assuré de déclarer les circonstances qui présentent de l’importance pour