Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu


The Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade

Year LII, No. 1-2, January-Jun 2004, pp. 1-320

YU-ISSN 0003-2565

UDC 34/35

Table of contents


Miodrag Orlic, The Silence of the Offeree as a Sign of Assent in the Law of Contracts 5

Dragan Mitrovic, The Principle of Legality 55

Oliver Antic, Nominate and Innominate Contracts

in the Present-Day Law of Obligations 79

Eric Agostini, Strict Liability: French Private Law Is Still in Effect in Mauritius 116

Petar Simonetti, The Right of Construction in Croatia 131


Stevan Djordjevic, Registration, Publication and Deposition of International Conventions 171


Ranko Кеба, On Changing the Code of Civil Procedure 188

Gordana Stankovic, Preparations for Changing the Code

of Civil Procedure 205

Monika Ninkovic, Procedure Before a Court of the First Instance .. 218


Milos Lukovic, Genesis of Terms of the General Code

of Property of Montenegro 229